Monday, February 18, 2019

2019 :: week 7

February 10
Lauren used her Christmas money to buy a Garmin Vivofit activity tracker. They finally went on sale at Target and we bought it Saturday afternoon. We weren't able to open it and get it set up until Sunday after church. She spent a good portion of the rest of the day running laps around the main floor of our house and ended up with over 20,000 steps before the day was through. We also celebrated Tyler's fifth birthday and had the youth over for a BYD.

February 11
Lauren and I have been more consistent about reading together. She brought home some new Elephant and Piggie books and she read to Elliott and me. The extra reading practice is really starting to show!
February 12
Tuesday morning while I was going about my "morning chores" I had to stop and take a picture to capture the moment. Elliott was busy coloring and practicing his letters and it hit me that my days spent with just him are coming to an end. He’s been a sweet buddy the past 3.5 years. Will and Lauren started kindergarten and preschool within a week of his birth, so besides summer, vacations and weekends it’s been just the two of us most of the day his entire life. Now that he is not napping much anymore we have a solid seven hours a day together. I love this little guy so much, and when I think about how much I love him it makes me excited to meet his little bro.

February 13
On Wednesday I had my 37 week appointment (I am technically 37 weeks 5 days). Unfortunately we found out that the baby had moved into an oblique (diagonal) position. Last week at my 36 week appointment he was head down and engaged in my pelvis. An ultrasound confirmed that his head is now located near my hip. My doctor has recommended a version (ECV), which I will have next Wednesday if he doesn't move on his own before then. Thankfully other than his position change, everything else seems to be progressing as we would hope.

February 14
Valentine's Days started of gorgeous. The snow and ice finally melted and I was able to walk the kids to school for the first time in over a week. By lunchtime it was close to 50 degrees! I spent the morning running errands and getting a pedicure (my V-day gift from Anthony). That afternoon Elliott and I went up to the school to help with Lauren's class party. By the time we walked home the temperature had dropped about 15 degrees!

February 15
Friday was another snow day! We are officially over the built-in limit. I am very curious to know whether the district will add extra days at the end of the year, or minutes to the day. Anthony's work closed at 12:30pm and in the afternoon he took the kids sledding. I drove over solely for documentation purposes. The kids went sledding down a trench on the far side of the elementary school. Elliott was in heaven. His face was a perma-smile except for minute after the three kids rode down the hill together and their sled tipped and Elliott got white washed. Overall we had a great time and Elliott woke my up Saturday morning before 7am asking if we could go sledding again.

February 16
Elliott got his wish and Anthony too the kids sledding again Saturday afternoon with the Ules. This time they went on the hill between the elementary school and the Catholic School. Will went sledding with his friend Knox at Corporate Woods. We ended up with a lot of free time Saturday because EVERYTHING got cancelled. Will's basketball game and the ward talent show were both cancelled.

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