Sunday, February 17, 2019

2019 :: week 6

February 3
Van selfie on the way to church. We are settling into our Sunday morning routine, just as it is going to get a lot more challenging (baby due in less than a month!). We had a good time at church and Elliott has finally decided it is okay that I go to nursery without him. That evening we invited several families over to watch the Super Bowl with us. Despite not getting very many firm confirmations, almost everyone came that we invited, so it was a full house.

February 4
One of the skills Anthony has been working on with his basketball team is rebounding. One of the keys in the boys win last week was their improved rebounding. Elliott and I watched a bit of their practice because Lauren was also up at the school for her monthly Girl Scout meeting. I really like the troop leader, parents and girls, but I wish the meetings weren't so late. Lauren is not a morning person and it is always a bit rough the morning after her meetings.

February 5
Two late nights for Lauren in a row proved to be too much for her to handle and she was late to school Tuesday. After we dropped her off at school Elliott and I went to Chick-fil-A for a free breakfast before heading to the library story time.

February 6
Due to inclement weather, the third grade field trip to Kauffman Stadium was postponed. Despite iffy road conditions they went Wednesday! Will had a great time. They got to visit the dugout, hall of fame, see the World Series trophies and more. It's a good thing they got the field trip in when they did because another storm rolled in Wednesday night.

February 7
On Thursday we had another snow day! I'm starting to get anxious that we are going to have to add days on at the end of the year. We had a mostly quiet day at home.

February 8
Friday was another snow day. I didn't feel great in the morning, but felt well enough to take the kids to 360 Gymnastics with some friends from school for their open gym hour at noon. The kids have been dealing with the bad weather remarkably well. They are all pretty active and typically spend a fair amount of time each day playing outside, weather permitting. Well the weather has very much not permitted much outside playtime! They've been watching more movies than usual, but have been exceptionally creative in coming up with things to do without my guidance. That being said, an hour at the open gym was very welcome.
February 9
Sometimes Lauren and Elliott aren't always the most enthusiastic "fans" at Will's basketball game. We had a very busy Saturday. We went to Will's basketball game in the afternoon, another close one where they lost by four points in overtime. After basketball we went to a baptism for Will's school classmate and church classmate, Maya. We ended the night eating fondue at the Sanners. 

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