January 27 |
Lauren read some
Dogman during her quiet time Sunday afternoon. It is fun to see her reading interests expand as she gets more proficient with reading. She has been working extra hard to get better at reading and we are working with her to help her meet them. At school she is tested five times a year on her reading progress, and her score went down quite a bit between the beginning of the year and the end of the semester. I feel partly to blame because the two of us spent all summer reading together for at least 20 minutes five days a week. After school started and life got busier we got out of the habit. I've started reading
The Boxcar Children with her at night and it has been a fun way to spend one-on-one time together.
January 28 |
Elliott knows how to chillax. I promised him a movie after lunch and he chose
The Letter Factory. We had a busy morning of washing clothes, going to water aerobics and getting Will's glasses fixed. Elliott was a good helper and didn't complain, even though it was crazy windy outside and he could hardly walk straight. I lost control of the cart I was pushing at Wal-Mart when I was trying to load our groceries into the back of our van and almost nailed the car next to us. It has been a weird weather week.
January 29 |
Storytime started back up at the library and Elliott and I went Tuesday morning. We saw many friends there, including our neighbors Blaise and Luke. The "theme" of the day was winter and Ms. Angelica read The Mitten, one of Lauren's favorites when she was a little older than Elliott.
January 30 |
Wednesday was cold. Very cold. So cold, that most of the school's in our area closed for the day. It was -4 degrees when we would usually be walking to school, so it was legitimately cold, but it seemed a little excessive to cancel the entire day. I assume our district must not have a good late start plan in place, and was concerned for children waiting for the bus. We had a pretty cozy day watching a few movies Lauren had picked out at the library, reading and drawing. The kids convinced me to take them to McDonald's for lunch and we ran into the Mullens there as well, which was a pleasant surprise. On our way home we stopped at the library for about an hour. The kids played with toys and I read a bit.
January 31 |
My sister in law Hillary sent me this awesome pregnancy pillow and it arrived on Thursday and Elliott was happy to test it out for me. It is supposed to give support to your belly, back and legs, depending on how you position it. I have used it to sleep for a few nights now and really like it. Hopefully only about a month where I will need it pregnant, but it looks like it could be useful in other situations too. Lauren likes to snuggle in it and read.
February 1 |
Will went to a birthday party for his friend Knox Friday after school. They went to Skyzone and jumped for an hour. Will was looking forward to this party all week and when he woke up in the night coughing the night before and got me to help him find cough drops he desperately whispered to me, "I'm not too sick to go to the party tomorrow, am I?"
February 2 |
The Raptors got their first win of the season today! The monkey is finally off their backs! This little team that could is playing better each week, despite some setbacks. They started as a team of eight, but one kid quit. Two of the boys have never played before and one is a grade younger. Today, everyone played great, the boys were passing and rebounding better than ever, and more boys scored in a single game than ever before. Will was out for blood. He was shooting hoops in our driveway before the game and the entire drive there was talking about what he was going to do during the game this week. Oh, and I must mention, that after our freezing cold temperatures Wednesday, the high was 56 degrees today.