January 6 |
The first Sunday of the new year marked many changes--new start time,
shorter length and Elliott's first Sunday as a Sunbeam. He was very
excited to start attending Primary with the big kids, but confused as to
why I was staying in nursery. I guess he thought I was only there for
him. His class is small--just three kids--but they are all pretty good
buddies. I never got around to taking a good picture of just him, but it
was fun to see him sitting in the front row. Later in the week he
started singing "My life has a gift, my life has a plan," which we have
never sang with him before, so we know he retained something.
January 7 |
It was great having Hillary in town! Hillary and I spent the morning
talking, then we met Anthony for lunch at Q39. Barbecue was a bit of a
dangerous choice for two women in their third trimesters with acid
reflux, but thanks to some antacids we powered through. After the kids
got home from school we went out for ice cream at Betty Rae's. Hillary's
friend Katherine had recommended it to her and it lived up to the hype.
We had to get ice cream before dinner because Lauren had her monthly
Girl Scout meeting at 6:30pm, then Will and Anthony had basketball
practice at 7pm. That night the adults stayed up way too late (2am!?!),
proving once again that we don't get to spend enough time talking with our
January 8 |
One of the highlights of my day is meeting the kids after school at the
park. My kids are able to walk home by themselves, and sometimes they
do, but Elliott and I like to go up to the park and visit with
our friends. These parents have become my good friends over the past few years and I am grateful for them.
January 9 |
Elliott's love for the Greatest Showman is still going strong. Also, I
love sitting in our front room on sunny days. It is nice and bright and
helps me feel happy. I think it is mostly pregnancy, but I have
struggled with feeling very motivated this week.
January 10 |
I have avoided actually potty training Elliott for months. We'd work on
it a bit, but I wasn't willing to fully commit. As my due date draws
closer, I've started feeling more stress about getting this done. This
weekend seemed like the perfect time to hunker down and get it done. The
meteorologists were predicting a big snow storm over the weekend and
Anthony had work commitments that would keep him away all day Saturday
and Sunday, so starting Thursday evening we went full throttle. Elliott
was excited to get started and I have been pleasantly surprised by how well things have gone.
January 11 |
Friday evening Anthony found an old-school Carmen Sandeigo game online
and played it with the kids. Will has played a version at school and was
telling us about it at dinner and it piqued our interest, so we did a
google search and found a game similar to the one we played when we were
in elementary school.
January 12 |
Saturday started with the promised snow and more. By the time all was
said and done we got about 10 inches. Not everyone got as much, but
there were parts of the metro that got over 11 inches! We busted out our
snow clothes and played outside off and on all day. It was the perfect
sort of storm--lots of snow, but not very cold so you could really enjoy
Love the picture of my two favorite, beautiful pregnant ladies. You both look great -- I hope that you feel as healthy as possible going forward.
I forgot Hillary was pregnant too! That's fun you'll have kids so close in age. I've also heard excellent things about Betty Rae's from people. Next time we're in KC we'll have to go!
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