January 13 |
As usual when there is bad weather attendance at church goes way down, and though the weather wasn't great Sunday there was no real reason to cancel church. We are still getting used to having church at 10:30am. The first week we barely made it on time. Not that we weren't ready, but I wasn't paying attention to the time and then all of the sudden we need to get out the door fast! Starting on the half hour is tricky. We used to aim to leave at 12:35pm for 1pm church, now we aim to leave by 10:05am for 10:30am church. This week we were a solid ten minutes early, I was very proud.
January 14 |
Elliott really wanted to build a snowman and so for our family home "early evening" activity Anthony helped the kids build a snowman. We have FHE early because Anthony and Will have basketball from 7-8pm most Mondays. It was harder to build than we expected because the snow was much more powdery than it was on Saturday. We put our pilgrim hat on him and called it the "Greatest Snowman," after the parody by Eclipse 6. Elliott request
this song on youtube several times a day.
January 15 |
In his second and probably final Pinewood Derby, Will did himself proud. After losing every heat in every match last year, he won several heats and a few matches this time around. Phew, got that monkey off his back! This year we bought some weights and I think that made all the difference, though Will thinks it may be because he painted it in Chiefs colors instead of Royals.
January 16 |
It's been awhile since I documented my growing belly. I am now 33 weeks and 4 days pregnant, but who's counting? I am feeling a lot bigger this time than I did with Elliott. One of the pros of being pregnant in the summer is that I was able to stay active longer, between the longer days and generally good weather. I attend water aerobics a few times a week, but several classes have been cancelled due to inclement weather and up until it got icy I was trying to go for walks in the evening. My balance is not great and I don't feel as comfortable walking when there are patches of ice. The main pro for winter time is I don't overheat nearly as much. I had a lot of lower back and tailbone pain in November and early December, but that has mostly gone away this month. My acid reflux seems to be unaffected by the season, bad all four times.
January 17 |
Elliott has been a real champ this week! He went through a rough patch in the weeks before Christmas, but his behavior and attitude have been pretty close to perfect ever since the new year. We started full on potty training him last Thursday and he has had only one accident since then! Part of why I put off potty training him was I didn't want to have to stop and take him to the bathroom all the time when we were out. Turns out, potty training him while in my third trimester isn't very inconvenient because
I have to stop and go to the bathroom all the time when we are out and about. We ran a bunch of errands Thursday morning and in the afternoon took a nap together. Elliott has really matured a lot in the past few months. I am so grateful for the time I have had to spend with him. I love my little buddy.
January 18 |
We've gotten into a routine of making homemade pizza on Friday evenings and then watching a family movie together. This week we watched
The Princess Bride and Elliott has been running around yelling, "inconceivable!" ever since.
January 19 |
This weekend our stake held stake conference. Anthony had an afternoon/evening chock full of meetings and I was a bit annoyed that we had to drive separate cars. It turns out it was a good thing because the car battery on the van died and it was nice to have two cars! The battery appears to be at the end of its life because we have had to jump it three times in the past month.
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