Tuesday, October 24, 2017

lauren's birthday

Lauren has never had a "friend birthday party." We've celebrated with others before. We've invited family friends over for dessert, shared donuts with friends at the park and celebrated with family, but never sent out invitations and invited her peers to come celebrate with her. For her sixth birthday, this is all she wanted to do and she has been talking about it for months. So we did. Lauren even made it "easy" for me by planning most of it herself. It was just up to me to execute the details. And buy everything. ;)

About a month before her birthday, Will and Lauren started making plans. Will helped make lists of what she wanted on her special day.

The latter half of October gets busy with fall festivals, sports and trunk or treats. Being that her birthday was on a Saturday we decided to go ahead and have her party on her actual birthday. We invited all the girls from her class and ten friends came.

The main activities were painting pumpkins, destroying a pumpkin piñata, eating cupcakes and dancing to Kidz Bop radio. We were successful on all counts. However next time I will get a baby-sitter for any two year old brothers. Elliott managed to get into the cupcakes while we were painting and into the paint while we were hitting the piñata.

Lauren had a great time! It wasn't perfectly executed or without hiccups, and I definitely learned some things I'll put into use for future parties, but I would say the party was a success!

Lauren's friend Daphne and her dad and brother hung out with us for awhile after the party. Both dads are big sports fans and had a lot to talk about with the pending World Series and first week of the NBA season in the books. We went to the Hy-Vee Trick or Treating activity together. I love the bags they give out and look forward to getting them each year!

That evening we celebrated with local family members.

We had the Wilsons and Memaw and Pepaw over for Lauren's favorite meal: Creamy Chicken and Rice with raspberries and edamame on the side. We had brownies and ice cream for dessert. It was a very sugar-filled day. Will told me that his teeth were going to be mad at him for eating so much sugar.

Birthday selfie with my special girl. Lauren and I are good friends most of the time. She is confident, observant, and has very sharp wit. She has an amazing memory and enjoys anticipating and planning for the future. She is nurturing and kind and loves to create beauty. I am so grateful to be her mom and hope I can help her cultivate joy in her life.


Laura said...

Looks like it was a super fun day!

Tina said...

Happy birthday, Lauren! Wish we could have been there!