Monday, October 9, 2017

2017 :: week 40

October 1
Elliott helped me roll out the dough for dinner rolls Sunday morning. It was a low-key day of conference watching, neighborhood walks, naps and an early Thanksgiving dinner at my parents in honor of my dad's birthday. I know if every Sunday was so low-key I'd acclimate to that and it wouldn't be so satisfying, but man I wish every Sunday was that quiet.

October 2
The NCCT board was in town for the week and Monday evening the company leaders and their significant others met them for dinner at J. Gilberts. The food was delicious and I learned more about the work Anthony is now doing and the people he spends time with every day.

October 3
Elliott was very pleased with the monkey stamp he received at the end of story time. Since school started I taken so many more pictures of him than of the older kids. It's almost like he's the only child seven hours a day!

October 4
Wednesday was wet and cold. I spent the better part of the afternoon baking and preparing a wild rice soup. This soup is my current favorite, and I would  make it more often if my kids would tolerate it. I have a dream that someday in the future my then-adult children will be hungry and preparing their own food and look back fondly on the food I used to make them. They just don't get how good they have it now. ;)

October 5
A few remaining treats from our garden. I also met my friend Holly for lunch at Panera and then visited with her at her house for a bit, but didn't get a picture of that. I'm grateful for the friends I have all over the metro that still make an effort to get together with me.

October 6
Friday evening we took the kids to the SMS homecoming football game. We ran into Will's buddy Jason and the boys had a great time together talking football, eating candy, and running around the bleachers. I left with Lauren and Elliott after the first quarter. Anthony felt like it was too quiet in the crowd and took it upon himself to bolster the cheers. He got so into it some of the other parents asked him which of the players was his kid. (insert crying emoji) I don't know what I find more amusing, that Tony could have a high school aged child, or that he got that into a mediocre high school football game. Regardless, Will and Jason had a great time.

October 7
Saturday we put a major dent in our to-do list. With the help of our friend Steve, Anthony installed our water softener. I bought Will some new sneakers, worked on the grass in our yard and a few other chores. That evening we went to dinner with the Throssells at Grinders and then visited Water Fire at the Plaza. I have wanted to check it out for years but it is always the first Saturday in October, which is typically when the priesthood session of General Conference is happening. It was a pretty night and watching the fires floating on the water was pretty mesmerizing. There was also some great people watching. We used a new-to-us babysitter and did a great job and gave us a cute checklist of what they did while we were out.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Haha! Tony is a good soul to get the crowd excited.