October 15 |
We enjoyed a delicious dinner of pork chops and rice at my parents house Sunday evening. Lauren volunteered to help do the dishes afterwards. Lauren has always been very proactive and responsible. As she is maturing she is getting better at noticing what needs to be done and pitching in to help.
October 16 |
For FHE we watched the Weird Al movie
UHF. It was weird, but had some genuine LOL moments. Afterwards we played some more Ticket to Ride and I finally won a game! We have played four times since Saturday evening and I lost every game. The kids are starting to pick it up and should be able to play on their own (as opposed to on a team with Anthony or me) soon. Playing games is one of my favorite family past times.
October 17 |
Will checked out a drawing book from the library and struggled with the sparse directions. He was very frustrated so we turned on a tutorial from Kids Art Hub on youtube and Will was able to whip up this husky on his very first try. Yay! The husky is his school mascot so he was excited to learn how to draw one. He is also a perfectionist, so he struggles when things don't come easily and perfectly. He also sees the world as "sum zero," meaning that is Uncle Ben is the best artist in the family, that means no one else can be good at art at all. We had parent/teacher conferences this week and discussed ways to work with Will and his intolerance for mistakes. He is such a smart and capable kid, but really gets down on himself when he fails to meet the high standards he sets for himself. His teacher is awesome and has the phrase, "Making mistakes is how we learn!" on her wall. Hopefully we can help Will come to believe that too.
October 18 |
We made our annual trek to Shaake's Pumpkin Patch in Lawrence Wednesday. We found just the right size of pumpkins for Lauren and her friends to paint at her pumpkin themed birthday party Saturday, I got to get a picture of the kids next to the "How Tall This Fall" sign and the kids got to play. It was a great evening. I made Sweet Willy Chili before we left and it was waiting for us in the crock pot when we returned home. We have been eating a lot of soups and stews lately.
October 19 |
The Olathe schools were off on Thursday and Elliott and I joined the Throssells at Science City for a few hours in the morning. It wasn't very crowded and we were able to visit most of the exhibits. Elliott is really into digging and dinosaurs, so we spent a lot of time here. The helicopter is still Elliott's favorite exhibit in the entire place and he ran off a few times trying to get to it. Of my three kids, Elliott is the most willing to run away from me in public. Will and Lauren both stuck closer to me when we were out and about when they were two, and still do.
October 20 |
Friday was Dad day. Anthony met Will and Lauren for lunch at school in honor of Lauren's upcoming birthday. He brought them Arby's, which is apparently the only food our kids want us to bring them when we meet them for lunch. Then, Anthony and Will went on the ward's Father/Son camp out Friday night. The
Orionid Meteor Shower peaked while they were camping and they got up at 2am to watch for a bit. Anthony said it was very cool and Will reported that he saw two shooting stars. Will also said he had never seen so many stars in his entire life.
October 21 |
Lauren turned six on Saturday! All she really wanted for her birthday was to have a party and so that's what we did. She planned most of it herself and it went pretty well, though I'm not sure if I felt more relief when I gave birth to her six years ago or after her last friend went home after the party. Six year old girls are very excitable and there was a lot of energy in the house! We painted pumpkins, had a pumpkin pinata and the girls danced to kids bop radio.