SUMMER 2017 :: WEEK 9
the week with lots of pool time
July 16 |
Sunday we attended my grandparents' ward in Hurricane, then spent a few hours at their home before driving back to Las Vegas for our early evening flight. We got out albums full of old family photos and family histories and enjoyed pursuing them. The view from the balcony is gorgeous. The drive to Vegas was relatively uneventful, but it is worth noting that we drove a Nissan Rouge and it made us miss our van. We were all in such close proximity to each other it was loud and hard for the kids to fall asleep. Elliott, Will and I sat together on the flight home and Lauren sat with Tony. We got to our house around 10pm that night.
July 17 |
We hit the ground running Monday. I wanted the kids to sleep in, but Will and Lauren started swimming lessons at 10am so they couldn't sleep too late. We were all up by 8:30am. That evening we went to the Royals Game. It was the second annual "Mormon Night," and it was a bit of a bust. It was crazy hot and humid, the Royals lost 8-1 (and didn't score their lone run until after we left) and a girl on our row threw up. We did get to visit with friends, which was nice, but the lack of sleep from our trip caught up with us and we left the game exhausted.
July 18 |
We are taking lessons later in the summer than usual. This summer is our fifth year of swimming lessons and Will is in Wave 3 (level 5) and Lauren is in Wave 1 (level 3). Will's friend Gretchen is in his class and they are the only two that can tread water for over 2 minutes. Elliott and I hang out at the baby pool while the big kids swim.
July 19 |
Wednesday evening was the relief society summer social. In years past we have had a pool party, but decided to change things up due to declining attendance. We went bowling and it was a lot of fun!
July 20 |
Lauren has been dying to go to Mahaffie Stagecoach & Farm ever since Will went on a field trip there in May. We had a pretty good time and even learned some new facts. Did you know that the mercury used in the process of removing hair from and then pressing beaver pelts into felt for hats eventually caused damage to the nervous systems of the hat-makers is where the phrase "mad as a hatter" comes from?
July 21 |
Friday was a three trips to the pool kind of day. Swimming lessons in the morning, quick afternoon trip to see a visiting friend and then a relaxing post-dinner swim.
July 22 |
We went blueberry and blackberry picking Saturday morning and it was a mistake. It was close to 100 degrees and very humid. There were literal and figurative meltdowns. The blackberry bushes were very picked over and we ended up getting covered in burs. Elliott ate blackberries as fast as we could pick them. We've had such a fun time picking in the past and did end up with a nice cache of blueberries, but it wasn't quite as fun as I hoped. I need to do a better job of picking a time to go when it isn't so unbearably hot!
Looks like fun. And love that insight about "Mad as a Hatter"
You and your kids get so tan. Jealous.
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