Sunday, July 2, 2017

2017 :: week 26

the "Kansas City" week

June 25
It was almost cold when we went for an short walk Sunday evening. It was only about 70 degrees and not humid at all. Lauren was fascinated by the fairy houses while we walked.

June 26
We were playing a few rounds of Eye Found It Disney Edition when the kids looked out the window and saw a rainbow. It was actually a double rainbow, though you can only see one in the picture. Monday was another unseasonably cool day. The kids went to the park with Soren and Saffi in the afternoon and said that all the lifeguards were hanging out at the playground because there was no one at the pool.

June 27
Will attended art camp at the Kemper Museum this week for the second time. His good buddy Landon participated too. The theme of three days was "storytelling through art" and they made interesting structures, masks, shadow boxes, comic strips, and two-dimensional abstract pieces. The boys had a great time! Interestingly enough, in a class of 20 kids from throughout the metro, we had connections to three other kids enrolled in the class. One girl is a home-schooled neighbor that lives down the street and another two girls are in other wards in our stake. We carpooled to class with Landon, so during class on Tuesday Lauren, Elliott and I checked out the Thomas the Train exhibit at Crown Center.

June 28
Wednesday was our first pool day of the week! It was cold over the weekend and we were very busy. This may have been our busiest week of the summer.

June 29
Thursday Lauren, Elliott and I checked out a storytime at the Plaza Library. They really enjoyed the fireworks craft project at the end. We had planned on walking around the Plaza too, but it rained intermittently all morning. Luckily the library had large playspace with a variety of activities to keep us busy for the two hours while we waited for Will to finish his class. After the class we stopped at Donutology is Westport to celebrate a fun week of art class with Landon.

June 30
Friday was an epic Kansas City day! We started off by going to the zoo with the Throsells in the morning. That night we met the Cooks and the Throssells downtown and hiked around the city. We checked out the park on the top of Cosentino's, rode the streetcar to the City Market, ate dessert and then walked along the River Trail. It was a pretty night and fun to adventure with friends. All three of my kids slept in past 8am Saturday morning so I know they were pretty worn out from all the walking!

July 1
Saturday we took things at a slower pace. We went to Charles Andrews' baptism in the morning,
ate lunch and stocked up at Costco, hit the pool and gave the boys haircuts. And just like that, summer vacation and 2017 is half over!

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