Monday, July 31, 2017

2017 :: week 30

SUMMER 2017 :: Week 10

July 23
While we were eating lunch after church on Sunday Will complained that his tooth was hurting. I had my doubts (he was eating Ramen Noodles after all!) but the next thing I know he was holding his tooth in his hand.

July 24
Elliott is a funny little guy. The older he gets the more clearly he expresses his opinions and preferences. He is very possessive of his towel. My mom bought it for him when we went to Florida and he has been using it ever since. If either of his siblings or parents touches the beloved towel to do anything besides hang it up to dry or wrap it around him he gets chippy. He also commandeered the swim shirt he is wearing. It is Will's and Elliott insists on wearing it. I gave in and put it on him one morning before swimming lessons and now he wants to wear it every time we go to the pool.

July 25
My favorite time to visit the farmstead is on a Tuesday or Thursday nights during the summer. Admission is free, it is open until 8pm, and there are no crowds. I love being able to let Elliott wander without worrying about him getting lost or hidden behind groups of taller kids. Emily and I took our kids Tuesday evening while our husbands were at mutual. It was hot and humid, but still fairly pleasant.

July 26
I decided we needed to get the kids closets cleaned out and went to work on Elliott's closet Wednesday and Thursday. He has the largest walk-in closet in the house, but it doubles as our linen closet. I went through and refolded, washed and got rid of things. I also keep my bins of kid clothing in there. When the weather turned warm back in the spring I went through the kids' drawers and took out all the small stuff, I just never organized it. Finally did that. In the end everything is back in and organized and on Saturday we dropped three boxes and one large bag off at Catholic Charities. I took this picture of Elliott while I was taking everything out of the closet. He is wearing his favorite pj's, which is the only thing he would wear for a few days this week. Later in the week he tracked down the pants and carried them around the house when I made him put on other clothes.

July 27
Thursday we said goodbye to our good friends, the Cooks. They left town early Friday morning for California and we were able to spent their last night in town together. I made pizza, which was a menu staple when we did our babysitting trades. They have been some of our closest friends this past year. We are really going to miss them!

July 28
Friday was a big day for Lauren at the pool. Even though she went off the diving board last year, she had decided she wasn't going to even try this year until after she finished swimming lessons. Both her and Will completed and passed their classes on Thursday. She nervously went of the diving board once, and then spent the rest of our time at the pool Thursday jumping off the board over and over. She was still not ready to go down the slide. I tried bribing her (chick-fil-a, legos, and ice cream were all on the table, not my finest parenting moment) but she stubbornly refused. Then Friday evening while we were swimming with some friends she ran over to me after she had gone down the slide by herself. When I talked to her about why she avoided it so long she said that a lifeguard told her she had to go down on her bum (as opposed to her stomach) and last year when she went down the force of the slide was strong enough that she ended up on her belly a few times. Lauren HATES to receive negative feedback of any kind from any authority figure (even mildly disinterested teenage lifeguards) so she avoided the slides for over a year. I feel like this is a learning moment for me as Lauren's parent that I need to be careful with the feedback I give her and to help her process negative feedback, because life is FULL of negative feedback. It also reinforces what I already know, that once Lauren makes a decision she will stick to her guns no matter how many Lego sets or popsicles she's offered.

July 29
The main branch of our library system put on a Harry Potter party Saturday morning. The kids dressed up in their robes and house scarves and we checked out the fun. Both Will and Lauren played one round of Muggle Quidditch, and Will went on to play several more rounds. Lauren and I went to the different houses and did the various crafts and activities offered there. It was a fun morning. We ended in the photo booth where we got this fun picture next to the Hogwart's express. Anthony was wearing a green shirt and it was a green screen so it looks like he is a floating head which fits the theme. We stopped by Pie 5 for some pizza on the way home.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

2017 :: week 29

SUMMER 2017 :: WEEK 9
the week with lots of pool time

July 16
Sunday we attended my grandparents' ward in Hurricane, then spent a few hours at their home before driving back to Las Vegas for our early evening flight. We got out albums full of old family photos and family histories and enjoyed pursuing them. The view from the balcony is gorgeous. The drive to Vegas was relatively uneventful, but it is worth noting that we drove a Nissan Rouge and it made us miss our van. We were all in such close proximity to each other it was loud and hard for the kids to fall asleep. Elliott, Will and I sat together on the flight home and Lauren sat with Tony. We got to our house around 10pm that night.

July 17
We hit the ground running Monday. I wanted the kids to sleep in, but Will and Lauren started swimming lessons at 10am so they couldn't sleep too late. We were all up by 8:30am. That evening we went to the Royals Game. It was the second annual "Mormon Night," and it was a bit of a bust. It was crazy hot and humid, the Royals lost 8-1 (and didn't score their lone run until after we left) and a girl on our row threw up. We did get to visit with friends, which was nice, but the lack of sleep from our trip caught up with us and we left the game exhausted.

July 18
We are taking lessons later in the summer than usual. This summer is our fifth year of swimming lessons and Will is in Wave 3 (level 5) and Lauren is in Wave 1 (level 3). Will's friend Gretchen is in his class and they are the only two that can tread water for over 2 minutes. Elliott and I hang out at the baby pool while the big kids swim.

July 19
Wednesday evening was the relief society summer social. In years past we have had a pool party, but decided to change things up due to declining attendance. We went bowling and it was a lot of fun!

July 20
Lauren has been dying to go to Mahaffie Stagecoach & Farm ever since Will went on a field trip there in May. We had a pretty good time and even learned some new facts. Did you know that the mercury used in the process of removing hair from and then pressing beaver pelts into felt for hats eventually caused damage to the nervous systems of the hat-makers is where the phrase "mad as a hatter" comes from?

July 21
Friday was a three trips to the pool kind of day. Swimming lessons in the morning, quick afternoon trip to see a visiting friend and then a relaxing post-dinner swim.

July 22
We went blueberry and blackberry picking Saturday morning and it was a mistake. It was close to 100 degrees and very humid. There were literal and figurative meltdowns.  The blackberry bushes were very picked over and we ended up getting covered in burs. Elliott ate blackberries as fast as we could pick them. We've had such a fun time picking in the past and did end up with a nice cache of blueberries, but it wasn't quite as fun as I hoped.  I need to do a better job of picking a time to go when it isn't so unbearably hot!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

2017 :: week 28

SUMMER 2017 :: WEEK 8
the week of Grandaddio's funeral

July 9
My maternal grandfather, affectionately known as Grandaddio, passed away Saturday evening. We went to my parents' house for dinner and then discussed logistics for the upcoming week. Emily and I looked through old pictures and I found this one of my and my grandpa when I was about one.

July 10
We've been taking advantage of the free lunches offered by the school district a few days a week this summer. The kids favorites are chicken nuggets, popcorn chicken, chicken sandwiches, cheeseburgers and corn dogs. Elliott loves having his own tray. I like running into friends and not having to figure out to feed the kids and having a place we can stop in for lunch when we are out and about.
July 11
Tuesday we participated in Chick-fil-A's customer appreciation day and dressed up like cows to get free dinner. We've done this the past several years and Will has always looked forward to it. As we were getting ready he told me, "This is really embarrassing." I am very curious to know if someone said something to him about it being embarrassing or if he came up with it by himself. We met up with his classmate Soren and family and saw several of his peers decked out in cow gear so even if he was embarrassed he was in good company.

July 12
We went to the kiddie swim Wednesday morning. It was so hot! I think it was close 100 degrees with a heat index of close to 120. Whatever it was it was noticeably hot. Several friends from church were at the pool too, which was fun for the kids. Will played catch with Jack and Holden while Lauren help court with Kenni, Gretchen and Ava. Elliott didn't like venturing too far from my bag and tried to scavenge snacks. I enjoyed talking to my friends in the cool of the pool.

July 13
Thursday evening we traveled to Hurricane, Utah, via Las Vegas. We had a direct flight to Vegas, rented a car and drove the two hours and twenty minutes to my grandparent's home in Utah. It was weird being there without them. My grandpa passed away and my grandma now lives in an assisted living facility. She is in the advanced stages of Alzheimer's. The kids behaved very well on the flight and were troopers carrying their backpacks and car seats across the airport and to the rental car pick-up (which is farther away than usual at LAS).

July 14
We are rarely in Southern Utah, and decided to take advantage of our proximity to the Grand Canyon and make a day trip out of visiting. The drive there was different than I expected. I was anticipating desert and it was really quite green with lots of birch trees and wildflowers. Will guessed that we were passing through a "temperate forest." We met my sister Melanie and her family at the North Rim Visitor's Center and hiked the Bright Angel Point Trail. The Grand Canyon is amazing! It was beautiful and so different than anything I have seen before. The kids were so good and it was great adventuring with the Staritas. Even though we were exhausted by the end of the day it was well worth the trip.

July 15
My grandpa's funeral was Saturday morning at 10am. It was a nice service and I learned impressive new things about him. He had been in a lot of pain in the weeks leading up to his death, but it was still a shock to see his body so thin and old. In my mind he will be eternally 70. It was nice to see family that we rarely see and spend time thinking about my grandparents.

2017 :: week 27

SUMMER 2017 :: WEEK 7
the week where we took things slow

July 2
Summertime is game time. For whatever reason we seem to play a lot of games in the summer. Disney Eye Found It has been in heavy rotation recently. It is a pretty fun game that adults and kids can play together on a relatively even playing field. We really like games that are quick enough to play a few rounds before bed.

July 3
As I thought about things I wanted to do this summer, I wanted to get the kids involved in the community and help others.  Delivering "Meals on Wheels" seemed like a good fit. We have been assigned a route to deliver meals each Monday morning. It takes a little more than an hour and we've developed a good routine. Will and Lauren alternate getting out of the van and walking the meal up to the door. Elliott gets out once or twice depending on his mood. The first few weeks were a little rough, Elliott did not want to hand over the food. Luckily the recipients were very gracious about his death grip on their desserts.

July 4
For the sixth year in a row we hosted a potluck BBQ on the 4th of July. The weather was a bit of a bummer in the morning--lots of rain and storms--that cancelled our plans. We had planned on picking blueberries, going to the Lenexa parade and maybe even swimming if there was time. Instead Anthony took Will and Lauren to see Despicable Me 3 Luckily it stopped raining (for the most part) by dinnertime and our BBQ went on as planned. We watched the fireworks on the golf course in the back of my old neighborhood with several friends.

July 5
Wednesday was a slow day. We watched the Cook kids for a few hours in the morning. In the afternoon we went to the pool. All three kids are getting very competent in the water. Will can tread water for over 2 minutes and swim the length of the pool without stopping. Lauren isn't far behind him.

July 6
We visited the recently reopened Johnson County Museum with Will's buddy Landon and his crew. Tara (Landon's mom) nannies two boys close to Lauren and Elliott's age so there was a playmate for everyone. The new museum is really nice, albeit crowded. The kids had a good time and I enjoyed chatting with Tara so it was a successful outing.

July 7
Friday morning we made plans to go to Science City with the Wilsons. Without checking the schedule I arranged for us to met at 9am. Unfortunately Science City does not open until 10am. To pass the time we rode the streetcar. It was a fun way to show them KC landmarks. When we were finally able to go to Science City we were pleased to see it wasn't very crowded. We spent two hours exploring and playing. Tyler loved the helicopter and checked it out two times. Will and Lauren enjoyed the outdoor playground. Elliott liked the playground and "under 5 area."

July 8
Will and Lauren have become best buddies this summer and it makes me so happy. They've always been playmates and spent a lot of time together, but this summer it seems to be going deeper. They have fun playing with their separate friends, but they have the most fun with each other. Each night they talk, sometimes for hours. They play together and work together as a team, most of the time ;). They make up elaborate games and use their collective imagination when they design their Lego city. I hope they will always look after each other like they have this summer.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

2017 :: week 26

the "Kansas City" week

June 25
It was almost cold when we went for an short walk Sunday evening. It was only about 70 degrees and not humid at all. Lauren was fascinated by the fairy houses while we walked.

June 26
We were playing a few rounds of Eye Found It Disney Edition when the kids looked out the window and saw a rainbow. It was actually a double rainbow, though you can only see one in the picture. Monday was another unseasonably cool day. The kids went to the park with Soren and Saffi in the afternoon and said that all the lifeguards were hanging out at the playground because there was no one at the pool.

June 27
Will attended art camp at the Kemper Museum this week for the second time. His good buddy Landon participated too. The theme of three days was "storytelling through art" and they made interesting structures, masks, shadow boxes, comic strips, and two-dimensional abstract pieces. The boys had a great time! Interestingly enough, in a class of 20 kids from throughout the metro, we had connections to three other kids enrolled in the class. One girl is a home-schooled neighbor that lives down the street and another two girls are in other wards in our stake. We carpooled to class with Landon, so during class on Tuesday Lauren, Elliott and I checked out the Thomas the Train exhibit at Crown Center.

June 28
Wednesday was our first pool day of the week! It was cold over the weekend and we were very busy. This may have been our busiest week of the summer.

June 29
Thursday Lauren, Elliott and I checked out a storytime at the Plaza Library. They really enjoyed the fireworks craft project at the end. We had planned on walking around the Plaza too, but it rained intermittently all morning. Luckily the library had large playspace with a variety of activities to keep us busy for the two hours while we waited for Will to finish his class. After the class we stopped at Donutology is Westport to celebrate a fun week of art class with Landon.

June 30
Friday was an epic Kansas City day! We started off by going to the zoo with the Throsells in the morning. That night we met the Cooks and the Throssells downtown and hiked around the city. We checked out the park on the top of Cosentino's, rode the streetcar to the City Market, ate dessert and then walked along the River Trail. It was a pretty night and fun to adventure with friends. All three of my kids slept in past 8am Saturday morning so I know they were pretty worn out from all the walking!

July 1
Saturday we took things at a slower pace. We went to Charles Andrews' baptism in the morning,
ate lunch and stocked up at Costco, hit the pool and gave the boys haircuts. And just like that, summer vacation and 2017 is half over!