Tuesday, June 13, 2017

2017 :: week 23

the week it was so cool it tricked us into thinking it would be cool this summer

June 4
My parents treated us and the Wilson's to Sunday dinner. After we ate the lamb roast we went for a walk around the neighborhood. That's a lot of blonde hair in that wagon. Emily and I married the blondest of the Crane brothers-in-law, and so far our kids are far and away the blondest of the Crane clan.

June 5
My dad is a busy guy with a lot on his plate, and he still made time to basically plant our garden for us again this year. Our little patch was successful last year so we expanded things a bit. In addition to tomatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, and green peppers we also planted carrots and lettuce. Unfortunately, the lettuce was eaten down to a nub within 24 hours of planting--darn rabbits!

June 6
Will's baseball team the "Red Aces" played a great game Tuesday night. I was bracing for a rough outing being that Tony was in DC and the game started at 7:45pm, but it was actually a very pleasant evening. There was a nice breeze, several other siblings of players to entertain Lauren, and the most exciting baseball game to date. I really like this group of boys.

June 7
The pool is currently my favorite feature of our neighborhood. We go almost daily, Sometimes we plan to meet up with friends, but we usually just go when Elliott gets up from him nap and see who is there. Will and Lauren are always very good about playing together. This week we saw about a dozen 1st graders and Will played with all of them at some point. Trevor and Soren (pictured here) were Will's first friends in his kindergarten class last year. The three of them (and two others) were assigned to the same table and also were "half day kids." They were each in a different first grade classroom, but still seem to enjoy each other as much as they did before.

June 8
My friend Emilee texted me Thursday morning to see if we were interested in hiking around the Ernie Miller Nature Center. We had no set plans so we packed some lunches and headed over. We walked along the trails and spent a fair amount of time throwing rocks in the stream. That night Anthony drove up to Girl's Camp for testimony meeting.

June 9
Will and Lauren helped me watch the Wilson boys for a few hours Friday so Emily and Matt could unpack in peace. Mikey and Will have really taken to each other. Mikey seems to think Will is hilarious and Will enjoys playing with him.

June 10
We spent Saturday afternoon taking the big kids on dates. We try to alternate taking each kid on date each month so in theory they get six dates with each parent a year, twelve total. We hadn't done any dates since March because we've been fairly busy and the kids had been asking for them so we decided to do both on the same day. Anthony took Will to the batting cages and then to Arby's to try their new pizza slider. Will is a big Arby's slider aficionado and was interested in trying it. He gave it thumbs up. Lauren and I went to the mall to get her a sundress she could wear over her swimsuit when we walk to and from the pool. H&M had several cute options for $5. Then we went to Panera and enjoyed cashing in my free birthday pastry. We also stopped at the Lego Store and played for a few minutes.


Meredith said...

I am very very jealous of your garden. Does your dad want to come to Oregon and help us with ours?

Mitzi said...

That is a lot of blonde hair! So cute!