Saturday, June 3, 2017

2017 :: week 22

the week it started to feel like summer

May 28
Elliott is at such a fun age right now. He still isn't talking much, but he is communicating more every day. Belvitas are his favorite treat and he will do just about anything to get one. He has figured out that the lock on our pantry is broken and knows how to pull it just right to open the door. We keep the crackers on the top shelf and he has yet to get up there, but when you see him getting agitated in front of the open pantry door you know what he's after.

May 29
We made our inaugural visit to the pool Monday afternoon after attending our ward's annual Memorial Day picnic. The water is heated which makes swimming in May much more pleasant. I took Will and Lauren first, then Anthony and Elliott joined us after nap time.

May 30
The Wilson's are now Kansas residents! About six weeks ago (maybe more, maybe less) my sister Emily mentioned that they were thinking about moving back to Kansas, but that they were going to pray about it. They felt like they should explore the possibility and then things started falling into place one after another. Good job, check! Necessary profit on condo to buy a house in Kansas, check! Place to live in Kansas, check! Over the long weekend they packed up their stuff, headed east and arrived in the OP late Monday night. Tuesday afternoon we helped them unload their truck. It is going to be so much fun having cousins living close!

May 31
We were in our garage loading up the stroller with pool paraphernalia with plans to meet the Throssells at the pool when we head a crack of thunder. When lightening is spotted within twelve miles of the pool it has to close for thirty minutes. We decided to go to the library to pass the time and while we were there we head even more thunder. I ran into a friend who mentioned that it was $1.50 cone day (on the 31st of each month single scoop cones are only $1.50). At this point we knew the pool wouldn't be happening so we figured ice cream was the next best thing. The kids enjoyed the treat, then we went home and read our books.

June 1
The weather was stormy off and on all day Thursday. We made our annual pilgramage to the Holy Spirit Parrish Garage Sale and made off with a good haul. For $4 we scored Clue Jr., a brand new deck of Rook cards, 5 Little People figurines, a Clifford Book, 2 Hot Wheels cars, a KU keychain and Hello Kitty sandwich holder. I was careful to look through the Clue Jr., box and counted out each piece to make sure all were there before we made our purchase. The one thing I forgot to account for was the instruction card! Thanks to the wonder of the internet I was able to find them. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed playing this game. I remember playing a version of Clue Jr., when I was young and didn't really like it. I give the "Case of the Missing Cake" version two thumbs up. I was so engrossed with playing I didn't have time to make banana bread for book club like I had planned. It was my month to host and we read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert.

June 2
Friday morning I took Anthony to the doctor. He hadn't been feeling well for over a week, complaining mainly of a headache. As he described his symptoms to me it sounded like he probably had a sinus infection. On Tuesday afternoon he went to the doctor and started on an antibiotic and I assumed he was on the up and up. Unfortunately he was not on the up and up. Things would get worse before they got better. By Wednesday, in addition to the constant pounding headache, earache and coughing he started to feel nauseous and had a hard time keeping any sustenance down. We don't know if it was a bad reaction to the medication or if he had a virus on top of or instead of a sinus infection. The doctor started him on a Z-Pak Friday morning. He spent part of Wednesday and all of Thursday and Friday in bed. The kids and I got in on the "National Doughnut Day" fun and picked out doughnuts at Krispy Kreme to take to the park Friday evening. My parents and the Wilsons did too.

June 3
By Saturday Anthony was doing quite a bit better. The nausea was mostly gone and the headache was less intense. It was still another 24 hours before he was feeling more like himself, but I was very relieved to see some improvement. This was the sickest I remember ever remember him being. While Elliott napped I took the big kids to the pool. I LOVE watching them play together.

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