December 25 |
The big kids were up, ready to open presents at 7am. Elliott did not want to sit still for a picture. We had a relaxing Christmas morning, opening presents and enjoying our new things. Elliott only had eyes for the Belvita Crackers in his stocking, which made it VERY hard to get a good picture of the kids in their Christmas pajamas. Our ward meets at 11am, so we had plenty of time to get ready. When I was younger I remember feeling disappointed whenever Christmas fell on a Sunday, but I loved it this year. It helped me re-focus on why we celebrate. In the afternoon the missionaries serving from our ward came over and called their families.
December 26 |
Lauren got four new Lego sets for Christmas and she loves all of them. I would estimate that she has spent a good 50% of her waking hours this week playing with them.
December 27 |
Elliott loves the soft black and white blanket Carly gave us when he was born. It's his favorite and he struggles to fall asleep without it. His blue blanket will do in a pinch. For Christmas Nana and Papa gave him another sofite and when I was getting him ready for his nap Tuesday afternoon it looked like he was in paradise snuggled in amongst his favorite blankets.
December 28 |
After tithing settlement Wednesday evening Anthony went to his first game of pickup basketball in...several months. Within minutes he got a minor avulsion fracture when he dislocated it while catching a pass on the baseline. He went to the ER and got it set and has been wearing a splint ever since. He'll see a specialist next week. A few years ago he hurt his finger playing church ball and didn't do anything for several weeks and now it won't straighten (mallet finger). Getting old is rough.
December 29 |
Speaking of getting old...Thursday was Anthony's birthday! My Dad surprised us and came over to chop down our "Whomping Willow" tree. Anthony hates this tree. It is partially hollow and has lost a few limbs over the years due to wind and ice storms. We call it the Whomping Willow (after the tree on the grounds of Hogwarts in the Harry Potter series) because it has become progressively more bent over the five years we've lived here and has branches growing in every direction. It ended up being a two day job and I also spent several hours helping my dad cut up the tree, move the pieces and rake up the leaves. The present ended up being especially nice after Anthony's injury and the doctor's admonishon to avoid hard labor with his hand until he sees the specialist. Also, I learned that I don't mind doing hard work when I am working with someone. Raking by myself makes me grumpy. Raking along side my dad was almost fun.
December 30 |
Happy birthday, Memaw! On Friday we celebrated my mom's birthday. Late December birthdays are tough. After spending the month gearing up for and then celebrating Christmas, there's not much energy for celebrations left. It has been such a blessing to live so close to my parents.
December 31 |
Saturday was a work day. We took down our tree and finally painted our dining room! When Anthony arrived home from running an errand his birthday present from his parent's was on the porch--a NES Classic! He has enjoyed playing with it this evening.
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