Sunday, December 18, 2016

2016 :: week 49

November 27
Sunday morning the Maxfields headed back to Minnesota. As usual, the time passed too quickly and we were sad to see them go. Will loves taking selifes, and had to get one with his buddy Wes before they hit the road. Anthony started doing tithing settlement for a few hours after church so we didn't see as much of him that day.
November 28
Both boys threw up between dinnertime Sunday and breakfast Monday morning. I had planned to get a lot of work done that day, so it was a bit of a setback. Luckily they both were back to their normal selves about 3 hours after the throwing up started. We've had a lot of stomach bugs lately and it is starting to drive me crazy. I am grateful that the bugs my kids have picked up don't last long. And that they like to snuggle with me while they convalesce.

November 29
 Will has been plucking out a lot of new songs on the piano lately. He surprises me with the songs he selects. I could hardly believe it when he started playing Secret Prayer this week.

November 30
Tuesday evening we had the missionaries over for dinner. It's hard to tell in this picture but Will and Elder Childress are playing catch. We've had a great run of missionaries lately. The other missionary serving in our ward is Elder Conley. He lived in Belmont for awhile and Anthony was good friends with his oldest brother his senior year of high school and at BYU. Small world!

December 1
Thursday evening was the First Grade Music Concert at OP-C. The first graders were pretty entertaining as they sang half a dozen songs. From start to finish the concert was about 15 minutes, which was just about right. Lauren knew several of the songs and couldn't help but sing along. It was fun watching the kids file in. They lined up according to height in their respective classrooms. Will has our short genes and was the second shortest kid in his class.

December 2
December 3
Will had his first preseason basketball game Saturday. He described it as "epic," though that wouldn't be the word I would choose. 😉 Saturday was a crazy-busy day for me. I had something going from 7:30am until 9pm.

1 comment:

Mitzi said...

Sorry you had to deal with throw up! That is the worst!