Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 :: week 53

December 25
The big kids were up, ready to open presents at 7am. Elliott did not want to sit still for a picture. We had a relaxing Christmas morning, opening presents and enjoying our new things. Elliott only had eyes for the Belvita Crackers in his stocking, which made it VERY hard to get a good picture of the kids in their Christmas pajamas. Our ward meets at 11am, so we had plenty of time to get ready. When I was younger I remember feeling disappointed whenever Christmas fell on a Sunday, but I loved it this year. It helped me re-focus on why we celebrate. In the afternoon the missionaries serving from our ward came over and called their families.

December 26
Lauren got four new Lego sets for Christmas and she loves all of them. I would estimate that she has spent a good 50% of her waking hours this week playing with them.

December 27
Elliott loves the soft black and white blanket Carly gave us when he was born. It's his favorite and he struggles to fall asleep without it. His blue blanket will do in a pinch. For Christmas Nana and Papa gave him another sofite and when I was getting him ready for his nap Tuesday afternoon it looked like he was in paradise snuggled in amongst his favorite blankets.

December 28
After tithing settlement Wednesday evening Anthony went to his first game of pickup basketball in...several months. Within minutes he got a minor avulsion fracture when he dislocated it while catching a pass on the baseline. He went to the ER and got it set and has been wearing a splint ever since. He'll see a specialist next week. A few years ago he hurt his finger playing church ball and didn't do anything for several weeks and now it won't straighten (mallet finger). Getting old is rough.

December 29
Speaking of getting old...Thursday was Anthony's birthday! My Dad surprised us and came over to chop down our "Whomping Willow" tree. Anthony hates this tree. It is partially hollow and has lost a few limbs over the years due to wind and ice storms. We call it the Whomping Willow (after the tree on the grounds of Hogwarts in the Harry Potter series) because it has become progressively more bent over the five years we've lived here and has branches growing in every direction. It ended up being a two day job and I also spent several hours helping my dad cut up the tree, move the pieces and rake up the leaves. The present ended up being especially nice after Anthony's injury and the doctor's admonishon to avoid hard labor with his hand until he sees the specialist. Also, I learned that I don't mind doing hard work when I am working with someone. Raking by myself makes me grumpy. Raking along side my dad was almost fun.

December 30
Happy birthday, Memaw! On Friday we celebrated my mom's birthday. Late December birthdays are tough. After spending the month gearing up for and then celebrating Christmas, there's not much energy for celebrations left. It has been such a blessing to live so close to my parents.

December 31
Saturday was a work day. We took down our tree and finally painted our dining room! When Anthony arrived home from running an errand his birthday present from his parent's was on the porch--a NES Classic! He has enjoyed playing with it this evening.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

2016 :: week 52

December 18
Sunday was a cold day. Some of us were hoping church would be cancelled (🙋), but once we got to church we were glad it wasn't. Sacrament meeting was particularly moving. The music was especially good. The Sacrament Hymn was "As Now We Take the Sacrament," and the third verse really touched me.

As now we praise thy name with song, The blessings of this day Will linger in our thankful hearts, And silently we pray For courage to accept thy will, To listen and obey. We love thee, Lord; our hearts are full. We'll walk thy chosen way.

I needed the reminder that going to church helps sustain me as I go about the business of my life during the week. We arrived at church at the same time as my dad and he helped the big kids walk in while I carried Elliott and our church bag.

December 19
Elliott had a case of the Mondays. He has cut seven teeth in the past three months, with an eighth about to cut through any day now. So pretty much any time he is grumpy I blame his teeth.

December 20
Tuesday afternoon the classrooms at OP-C had their Winter Parties. I went to help out at Will's. It was Polar Express Day and the kids got to wear their pajamas.

December 21
Lauren didn't have preschool starting Wednesday and Will only had a half day. By bedtime they were getting a little stir-crazy and I was getting a little worried about the next fourteen days.

December 22
Thursday night we went to IKEA to pick up a few things. I've been wanting to go for awhile but wanted Anthony to come with me. It has been great having Anthony back in town again this week!

December 23
Friday Anthony got off work a few hours early and we made our annual trek to Crown Center and Union Station. After the cold weather we had over the weekend and at the beginning of the week it felt almost warm at 48 degrees. The kids climbed on the toys next to the Mayor's Christmas Tree, then we walked on the Link to Union Station. We checked out the trains and had fun walking around. Elliott loved the lights. We walked back to Crown Center and got Peppermint Potholes at Sheridan's. We ran into a few friends and even gave a ride home to a member of our ward who had been waiting over half an hour.

December 24
We spent Christmas Eve morning tidying up and putting the finishing touches on our neighbor gifts. After lunch we delivered them and had a little free time. We decided to make a quick visit to the zoo. Our zoo membership is a combined Christmas gift for Will and Lauren from Nana and Papa, so it seemed appropriate. We didn't see as many animals as usual (surprise, surprise), but still had a fun time. For the first time ever we saw the Gigi the cheetah roaming around--usually she's just lounging in the sun.

2016 :: week 51

December 11
Elliott usually takes a nice, long nap after church. He was in a particularly good mood when we woke up from his nap because Dad was home and we were snacking on some yummy chocolate mint cookies from Trader Joe's. We are all pretty excited by the time Anthony gets home from church.

December 12
We are working on the leaf situation in our yard, but it is a slow-going process. I try to spend an hour or two a few days a week. Elliott likes to watch me work. I love seeing him all bundled up in his winter wear.

December 13
Lauren loves to build. She has taken to building elaborate structures around our Little People Nativity. In her version there is room for everyone in the inn. And a lot more animals.

December 14
Sometimes it seems like I spend more time keeping my kids fed than anything else. I took this picture to text Anthony while he was in North Carolina. All three of them lined up next to our pantry and were begging for snacks about fifteen minutes after we'd had our afternoon snack.

December 15
Thursday evening was our Relief Society's annual progressive dinner. As second counselor it is my responsibility to coordinate this event. There is a fair amount of planning and coordinating that goes into this evening, but once everything is in place it is a lot of fun. It was very cold night and I tempered my expectations, but we had about forty people attend! Not everyone was present when I took this photo. I was very pleased with the turnout and appreciative of the efforts of the many people who contributed to make the night a success.

December 16
The OP-C first graders gathered in the cafeteria for a fun afternoon of gingerbread (graham cracker) house decorating. The room smelled so sweet with all the candy. I enjoyed getting to know some of Will's classmates better and seeing Will interact with them. It was fun seeing the different styles the kids had in decorating. Will was more methodical and deliberate than some of his friends, and used way less candy.

December 17
Will's birthday ended up being absolutely freezing. It snowed and the roads were very slick. Sane people avoided going out. I ended up running errands most of the morning. Will's basketball game got cancelled, but we wanted to do something fun for Will's birthday. We got a babysitter for Elliott and saw the new Star Wars movie, Rouge One. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. It reignited the kids' interest in Star Wars and they have been adding Star Wars related play into their play. 

2016 :: week 50

December 4
Elliott is in the thick of that really obnoxious pre-nursery stage. Combine that with our 11-2pm church schedule and you've got a pretty grumpy kid by the time the third hour rolls around. It's hard to fit a good nap in before church.Sunday School is rough because the RS room is pretty crowded and our teacher speaks quietly, so Elliott is pretty distracting if I let him walk around. We often end up in the hallway. Relief Society is a little better because it's not quite as crowded and there are a few other similar aged kids in there. Regardless, we are looking forward to the 9am-noon schedule in 2017 and Elliott's admittance to nursery in February.

December 5
Monday night we bought a large Chick-fil-A peppermint milk shake and split it up for our FHE treat. Anthony spent the week working in North Carolina so it was just me and the kids for a week.

December 6
At the beginning of the school year I wanted to get into a routine of exercising in the morning. I bought a gym membership to help motivate me. Elliott was pretty upset the first few times I left him at the child watch, but now he goes fairly easily. We really like the attendant Huberdine, who works Monday through Thursday mornings.

December 7
We got our first snowfall Wednesday morning. It was really just a light dusting, but it was the first time there was any accumulation of "white stuff" this year so it had to be documented.

December 8
Thursday night it was my turn to host book club. We read and discussed The Martian by Andy Weir.  Pictured (L-R, back row: Emilee, Elena, Lauren, Sarah, front row: me, Holly) I really look forward meeting with these friends each month.

December 9
I love looking at our Christmas tree. Looking at it makes me feel cozy and warm.

December 10
Saturday was our ward Christmas party. Both Elliott and Lauren were a bit apprehensive about seeing Santa. The candy cane helped ease Lauren's woes. I was impressed with the party and our ward's party planning committee and their attention to detail. It was a nice evening.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

2016 :: week 49

November 27
Sunday morning the Maxfields headed back to Minnesota. As usual, the time passed too quickly and we were sad to see them go. Will loves taking selifes, and had to get one with his buddy Wes before they hit the road. Anthony started doing tithing settlement for a few hours after church so we didn't see as much of him that day.
November 28
Both boys threw up between dinnertime Sunday and breakfast Monday morning. I had planned to get a lot of work done that day, so it was a bit of a setback. Luckily they both were back to their normal selves about 3 hours after the throwing up started. We've had a lot of stomach bugs lately and it is starting to drive me crazy. I am grateful that the bugs my kids have picked up don't last long. And that they like to snuggle with me while they convalesce.

November 29
 Will has been plucking out a lot of new songs on the piano lately. He surprises me with the songs he selects. I could hardly believe it when he started playing Secret Prayer this week.

November 30
Tuesday evening we had the missionaries over for dinner. It's hard to tell in this picture but Will and Elder Childress are playing catch. We've had a great run of missionaries lately. The other missionary serving in our ward is Elder Conley. He lived in Belmont for awhile and Anthony was good friends with his oldest brother his senior year of high school and at BYU. Small world!

December 1
Thursday evening was the First Grade Music Concert at OP-C. The first graders were pretty entertaining as they sang half a dozen songs. From start to finish the concert was about 15 minutes, which was just about right. Lauren knew several of the songs and couldn't help but sing along. It was fun watching the kids file in. They lined up according to height in their respective classrooms. Will has our short genes and was the second shortest kid in his class.

December 2
December 3
Will had his first preseason basketball game Saturday. He described it as "epic," though that wouldn't be the word I would choose. 😉 Saturday was a crazy-busy day for me. I had something going from 7:30am until 9pm.