Saturday, November 12, 2016

2016 :: week 46

November 6
Sunday we went to church in West Jordan so we could hear Matt bless baby Mikey. He gave a beautiful blessing and it was a nice meeting. In the past three months three new boys have joined the family (two through marriage and one through birth). We've always been a "girl" family, so it is strange that the boys now outnumber the girls 10 - 8. Anthony stayed home at the Nielson's to avoid spreading our plague further. He was feeling better by late afternoon, but Millie got sick late Sunday night.

November 7
Though we didn't plan it, we ended up on the same flight back to KC as my parents. Will and Lauren took turns being the middle seat between Memaw and Pepaw, as we had one stop in Denver to change plans. My Dad told me that Lauren sang almost the entire flight. Yep, that's Lauren.

November 8
We came home just in time to vote. And also have a mailbox full of political mailers. I wasn't very excited about the races this election as there was no candidate that really excited me. Maybe next cycle I'll vote for whomever does NOT fill our mailbox with this garbage. #savethetrees

November 9
Wednesday evening Anthony went to the temple with some of the YM from our ward.

November 10
Elliott is proficient in going up the stairs now and pretty good at getting back down. He honed some of these skills in Utah. One night I went to look for him and he had climbed up the stairs into Sadie and Elise's bedroom. He's still a little nervous when he's climbing backwards. His legs are a little short and he has to really extend when going down. He often will go 3-4 steps, then stop and yell until I come and either carry him down or help him get going again.

November 11
In honor of Veteran's Day the kids had no school and Anthony had the day off work. In the afternoon we drove downtown, rode the streetcar to the City Market, then walked over to and along the KC Riverfront. It was windier than I expected. We've had such unseasonably warm weather, I wasn't prepared for how chilly it was! When the kids were tired of walking the trail we headed back to the City Market and bought beinget's. They were delicious!

November 12
Members of the Civic Orchestra visited Lauren's preschool last month and invited the preschoolers and their families to an instrument petting zoo before their concert today. I took Will and Lauren and they had a blast. They got to "play" several insturments, including a violin, cello, drum, trombone, trumpet, xylophone and flute. When we got home they insisted on trying to play Anthony's trumpet too. Music is fun and it makes me happy that my kids enjoy creating it too.

1 comment:

Mitzi said...

I love that family pic! Such a great group!