October 30 |
Sunday afternoon the kids got to work with the perler beads. Will created this cool jack-o-lantern. We didn't get around to carving a pumpkin this year so this will have to do. We went for a family walk in the evening. I love the warm weather we've been having this fall.
October 31 |
We had our most successful Halloween haul ever this year. Both kids had a lot of enthusiasm for trick-or-treating this year and the weather was nice and warm so we were able to go for quite awhile. I let each kid pick 10 pieces they could keep for themselves and then we put the rest into a family pot.
Tuesday we regrouped from Halloween and got ready for our trip to Utah. I cut Will and Elliott's hair in the afternoon. I kept Will home from school because he threw up right before Anthony and I went to bed Monday night. He was fine all day. I understand and follow the 24 hour rule, it's just annoying sometimes because it seems like you are often more contagious BEFORE you throw up. It also put a damper on all the errands I wanted to run during the day.
November 2 |
Wednesday we flew to Utah for Laura's wedding. Getting through the airport was a team effort. The big kids really stepped up and helped push Elliott's stroller and carry their backpacks and boosters. It took us 7 hours to get from our house to Carly's house. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out if I prefer traveling by air or car. I'm still trying to decide. It's hard to beat the speed of flying, especially when everything goes as planned and there are no delays. The cost though...
November 3 |
Will and Lauren visited Sadie's class for "Show and Tell." Will was a little nervous to visit her second grade classroom, but Lauren was very eager and pleased to be invited. Millie came too and was the real star of the show.
November 4 |
Laura and Trevor got married in the Mount Timpanogas Temple. It was a beautiful day and touching ceremony. Their wedding reception and ring ceremony were that evening in Cedar Hills. The Nielson's live right in between the Mount Timpanogas Temple and Cedar Hills so it was very close and convenient for us.
November 5 |
Tony and Elise got sick in the night Friday, which put a damper on our Saturday plans. One thing I wanted to get during our trip to Utah was a journal. My mom got us these
journals when I was growing up and I like their size and college-ruled lines. Carly came with me and as we were driving to Desert Book we got hit! The more I think about it the more relieved I am we weren't hurt, especially Carly who was in the passenger seat. The teenager driving the other car hit us after he missed his turn into the church parking lot. As I was driving to Desert Book to buy a journal I got hit by a teenager going to a baptism. How Mormon is that?!
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