Sunday, September 13, 2015

elliott :: 1 month

9 lbs. 4 ounces (45th percentile)
21 inches (25th percentile)

Our Little Buddy is a month old. Adding him to the mix has gone better than I expected, and has so far (knock on wood) been our easiest transition. Lots of things contribute to this. More experienced and less anxious parents. Older siblings that are a bit older and more independent (potty trained and able to dress and feed themselves, etc.) so I'm not doing every single thing for 4 people. A baby with a content disposition. Nice weather so we're able to get out and avoid feeling too stir-crazy.

Elliott has a great appetite and eats about 9 times a day. He typically feeds about once every two hours, with one longer stretch (3-3.5 hours) at bedtime. And he's trending towards more time in between feedings each week. He spits up more than both Will or Lauren ever did, but not consistently. He snores and grunts while he sleeps. It reminds me of a Pug. He likes to be held, but is also content to observe from his perch in the swing or rock-n-play. Momma is his favorite, but he is the most interested in what Will and Lauren are up to. Speaking of his siblings, they adore him. Both Will and Lauren have proven themselves to be great helpers. More than once I have been in another room and heard Elliott start to whimper and by the time I get to him one of his siblings is there pushing him in the swing, offering him a pacifier or snuggles and words of comfort. He's not quite sure what to think of the snuggles (sometimes they appear to be more like smothers), but like I said, he is fascinated with them so he rarely cries out. He is very "regular," and needs a diaper change every time I feed him. The kids have given him the nicknames Poop John and the Poop Monster, but only actually call him that when we're changing his diaper. He has a fairly strong neck and has rolled over from back to front a few times, though it didn't seem intentional. Like his siblings before him he has a bit of baby acne and cradle cap--so far only in his eyebrows. He has the same big blue eyes too. I've caught him smiling a few times, but he often has a quizzical look on his face like he's trying to figure out what life on Earth is all about. We love our Little Buddy.


Meredith said...

I love the first picture. Who made the blanket for you?

Susan said...

Third babies really are the best. I love watching older siblings loving on their little ones. Sounds like Will and Lauren are doing a great job. Hope things continue to go well!

Melanie said...

Oh Elliott (or should I say Poop John if you're changing his diaper right now) ;). What a sweet little guy! I'm glad I got to meet him!