In the afternoon after their first day of classes Lauren had an allergic reaction to nutella and wasn't quite herself the rest of the week. I had to bribe her to attend and be willing to hold the boy in her class' hand when they played Ring Around the Rosie. Thankfully that only lasted two days, though she still asked for a treat after class each day.
Lauren feels very comfortable in the water and was willing to jump in and put her face under water from the get go. She did very well with kicking, blowing bubbles, and assisted floating. She doesn't really like using her arms to stroke forward or backward and propels herself along with strong kicking and minimal arm movement.
Will didn't enter this session of swimming lessons with the same level of confidence as Lauren, but he made a ton of progress. In fact, I think the money we invested in his lesson may have been the best money we've spent all summer. By the end of the session he was doing bobs, swimming with his face under water, jumping into the pool without an adult catching him, and attempting to float and "shred" (tread) water. Before he started lessons he had no interest in putting his face under or going more than waist deep in the water without an adult. It really worked out nicely for us that he got to have a lot of one-on-one time with his teacher, Sarah, because she was able to tailor his lessons.
This is the third year I've signed up for the second session of swimming lessons. For one, it is typically a bit warmer by late June. Second, because the 4th of July is in the middle of the session, the lessons are slightly less full. Also, since we live so close to the pool (less than 400 feet) it doesn't take much travel time to get there, so we've done 9:30 classes and those are much less crowded than the 10am classes appeared to be.
Unfortunately, this year it ended up being pretty cool. At least three of the eight days the high temp was below 70. The kids swam in a light mist of rain two or three times too.
All in all it was a great session. The kids had fun, are more confident in the water, and most importantly, picked up some new skills.
Will didn't enter this session of swimming lessons with the same level of confidence as Lauren, but he made a ton of progress. In fact, I think the money we invested in his lesson may have been the best money we've spent all summer. By the end of the session he was doing bobs, swimming with his face under water, jumping into the pool without an adult catching him, and attempting to float and "shred" (tread) water. Before he started lessons he had no interest in putting his face under or going more than waist deep in the water without an adult. It really worked out nicely for us that he got to have a lot of one-on-one time with his teacher, Sarah, because she was able to tailor his lessons.
This is the third year I've signed up for the second session of swimming lessons. For one, it is typically a bit warmer by late June. Second, because the 4th of July is in the middle of the session, the lessons are slightly less full. Also, since we live so close to the pool (less than 400 feet) it doesn't take much travel time to get there, so we've done 9:30 classes and those are much less crowded than the 10am classes appeared to be.
Unfortunately, this year it ended up being pretty cool. At least three of the eight days the high temp was below 70. The kids swam in a light mist of rain two or three times too.
All in all it was a great session. The kids had fun, are more confident in the water, and most importantly, picked up some new skills.
Proud of their certificates and celebratory tootsie pops.
These look so great. Our kids all loved swim lessons, and it was definitely how they learned not to be afraid of the water and putting their faces in the water, etc. It was great because I didn't have to teach them all that myself!!
Wow that worked out so nicely that he got private lessons!
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