Saturday, July 11, 2015

2015 :: week 28

July 5

Lauren has been dreaming about taking a ride in Pepaw's big red truck for quite awhile and Sunday after church her dream finally came true. Will has gone for rides in the truck before, but for a variety of reasons Lauren never has. She was so excited to go for the ride and so pleased when it finally happened. Thanks, Dad!

July 6
We spent a few hours at the pool Monday. Swimming lessons in the morning and then a nice long visit in the afternoon. After a week of lessons the kids are feeling very comfortable in the water and are relying less on me to entertain them. Yay! When we got to the pool it was hot, bright and sunny. By the time we left storm clouds were starting to roll in. Within two hours the tornado sirens were going off and our area was hit with the worst storm of year to date. It was dark by 6pm and we enjoyed a cozy evening at home, which felt so different from our sunny afternoon at the pool.

June 7
It took me all day to get motivated Tuesday. I got a bit of a headache from the storm system, which combined with my poor late-third trimester sleep made me drag all day. Besides swimming lessons we didn't leave the house until the evening. Tony took the kids to the monthly Lego mini-build and I went to a water aerobics class.

June 8
To make up for such a lame day Tuesday we went to the children's museum Wednesday. In late May I bought a groupon to Wonderscope and needed to use it by next week, so the timing was perfect. It had been quite awhile since our last visit so the kids were excited to do everything. The face painting was the most anticipated activity, though they spent the most time in the farm and lego rooms. I planned on staying for about 90 minutes, but we were there for over three hours. One thing the kids have been doing fabulously lately is playing together. And they're on a really good streak of entertaining themselves individually too.

July 9
Thursday marked the kids last day of swimming lessons. It was a great session for each of them. They were very proud of their certificates and excited about the lollypops they received at the end of class.

July 10
Anthony and the kids took several sporkle quizzes while I made dinner Friday night. Will is really into quizzes right now. His favorites include: identifying and naming animals, car symbols, naming baseball players, and the 50 states. Lauren likes to help, but besides the animal quizzes is mostly there for moral support. Tony's just there to  explain the directions and type.

July 11
Today was a work day. We've wanted to paint our deck all summer, but between Anthony's travel and the excessive amounts of rain we've received this summer (on the news the other night the meteorologist said the KC area had recorded rainfall on over 70 percent of the past 60 days) it has been almost impossible! Anthony worked hard all day and got it done. He has the sore back and blisters to prove it.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Overland Park sure has such nice pools! Totally missing them at the moment. Rochester pools are kind of a joke. Congrats on the kiddos on finishing up swim lessons!