June 28 |
Despite leaving our house at 12:40pm to make the ten minute drive to church, we ended up being over half an hour late! A small part of the highway we take to church was closed and there was a multi-car accident on the detour, leading to a major traffic jam that we didn't find out about until it was too late to change course. Lauren even took a brief nap while we were at a standstill.
June 29 |
At lunchtime on Monday Lauren asked me for a brownie (leftover from a small dessert night we hosted at our house the night before). She had eaten a good lunch so I said sure. Unfortunately I didn't realize that Anthony put all the leftover treats on the same plate--including a few nutella brownies. There were also brownies made from a mix, but unfortunately the brownie I gave her had nutella in it and Lauren has a hazelnut allergy. When she asked for water because the brownie was too spicy I knew something was up. She had a few hives around her mouth, but otherwise appeared fine. I gave her some benedryl and we headed off to meet my sister Laura at the pool. Lauren did not want to swim (very unlike her) so I ended up taking her home. Anthony was at home and I had him sit with her for a bit while I went back to the pool to get Will. While he was with her she began coughing and then wheezing. He called ask-a-nurse and described her symptoms. The nurse said we needed to take her to the nearest emergency room, which we did. Once we were there they administered an epi-pen (we had one at home but were apprehensive about using it),a steroid and additional anti-histamines. As is protocol anytime an epi-pen is administered, Lauren was kept under observation for about four hours. Thank goodness for children's television. I could tell she was starting to feel better when she started to complain about being hungry and the shows on TV. All in all it was a good learning experience for us. Before this Lauren's only reactions to allergens were hives, stomachache and eczema. As such, I was intimidated by the epi-pen. I now feel more confidant about using one in the future and have had a greater respect for her allergies and how careful I have to be with the food she eats going forward.
June 30 |
Even though we were told Lauren could resume all her normal activities the next day, it became obvious pretty quickly that she wasn't quite her usual self. She had to continue taking the steroid and antihistamine for two more days and the cumulative side effects of the medicine made her "irritable." Besides swimming lessons (which the kids started Monday morning) I ended up scrapping all other plans for the day besides Will's eye appointment. His vision continues to improve while wearing glasses, with his right (weak) eye 20/25 and left eye 20/20. Will is very good about wearing his glasses when he is awake and making sure we clean them each night.
July 1 |
I don't remember a lot about Wednesday other than it was another rough day with Lauren. And it was overcast and I was generally in a bad mood. I'm not sleeping well at night and my back aches a fair amount of the time, so she was testing the limits of my uncomfortable, sleep-deprived patience. We battled it out in the afternoon and she repeatedly insisted to me that she didn't know how to sleep on her bed. She also said gems like, "I can't sleep and Dad just wants me to look at the ceiling all night long! That's boring!" She did eventually fall asleep after I relentlessly sang her primary songs for twenty minutes. Either she decided it wasn't a fight worth fighting anymore, or sleep provided the escape she needed from my singing.
July 2 |
Our internet has been spotty for the past few weeks. Basically the internet works in the morning, but then around lunchtime or midafternoon it totally stops. Annoying because we often stream shows in the evening, but I was able to get my most recent book club read finished in time so it wasn't a total loss. Thursday afternoon a technician came to our home and things have improved significantly. The city is also replacing the electrical lines on our street and so we've had workers in and out of our yard throughout the week, and most likely will next week too as they've left some equipment in our backyard.
July 3 |
Will puts his face under water now! This is big news. Up until this week he refused, but his swimming lessons seem to have instilled a new confidence in him and he now will do bobs and go under water to retrieve toys. I bought a cheap case for my phone that allows me to take underwater photos and videos and we had fun with it when we went to the pool as a family Friday night.
July 4 |
We had a fairly quiet, fun 4th of July this year. We made no plans in the morning and had a slow start. Anthony got the kids breakfast and let me sleep in a bit which was awesome. He found some episodes of Liberty's Kids on youtube and they watched a few of those. After lunch we went to the pool, then came home and the kids "rested." I have to use quotes because it's hard to say how much resting actually occurred, but they were at least quieter than normal. For dinner we had a potluck BBQ with several friends. In total there were about 40 people at our house which made for a lot of fun. Then our group headed to the golf course in my parents' old neighborhood and watched the city fireworks. All in all a pretty great holiday.