June 21 |
One of the best things about Will at this age is that he gets very excited about things. At least once a day in the days leading up to Father's Day he insisted we have clandestine discussions in hushed tones about what we were going to do for Anthony. Then, when the big day came he woke me up a full hour earlier than the time we had decided we'd get up to make breakfast (french toast, bacon and fruit). It was a fun breakfast, the only hiccup occuring when Lauren licked the raw bacon because it "smelled so good." I was worried she'd get sick, but nothing happened. Anthony is a pretty fantastic dad and the kids are blessed to have him.
June 22 |
Hopscotching in sync at the playground after getting the free lunch provided by the school district Monday afternoon.
June 23 |
Growing, we do it every day. We're growing when we're sleeping, and even when we play." I can't help but think of the Barney song lyrics every time I look in a full-length mirror, bump into something, or spill on my belly. This week marked 33 weeks. It is a little scary to think that in two months or less there will be another human being that I am responsible for meeting all of his needs. For the most part I am feeling pretty good. My back hurts more than it has ever hurt in a pregnancy, but I still have a fair amount of energy, though I've started taking an afternoon naps a few times a week (see Friday's picture).
June 24 |
Will's friend Ava moved to Idaho this week and we said goodbye to them after going swimming with her family and a few other friends Wednesday afternoon. Will was delighted to play with his friends' squirt guns.
June 25 |
The real reason we frequent the pool is the $0.25 cups of pebbled ice. I've been craving it recently and on extra hot days they give away the cups for free. That's Lauren you can see in the background of the picture. She's started swimming with her face under water and likes to toss and retrieve toys.
June 26 |
Lauren hasn't been sleeping well this summer. She stays up late, wakes up early, in general refuses to nap and is grumpy for most of the afternoon and evening. Oh, and she often falls asleep if we drive anywhere after 3pm. The one way I can get her to sleep is if I take a nap with her. We lay together on the double bed in her room (at night she sleeps in the toddler bed) and she tells me stories or sings me songs until I fall asleep, usually falling asleep herself in the process. It isn't 100% full-proof (I've woken up more than once to an empty room or her playing quietly with other toys) but it's been the best solution I've found so far.
June 27 |
On Saturday night Lauren and I got invited to a hair and make-up party. We have a ward facebook page where people can post and recently someone expressed interest in learning how to braid their daughters' hair. Then someone else mentioned they wanted to learn how to do makeup. Someone else wanted a GNO. Eventually someone offered to host a party where you we could share ideas on how to do hair and make-up. I shared no ideas of how to do either, but was willing to learn. It is a clear indication to how much make-up I don't wear when Lauren said, "Momma, you look different. Take it off!" after seeing me face with heavy eye makeup. I should also note that before we left Anthony and Will told us they were just going to "eat carrots and celery while we were gone." Turns out that translates into baking brownies and buying cheap brownie batter-flavored iced cream. Fun night for the whole family.
What a fun idea for a party! I love Mormon women facebook/email groups, and the fun stuff that frequently comes out of them. Sorry about Lauren and sleeping -- something about summer and the sun being up later frequently disrupts everything.
Glad you've been feeling pretty well. You look good! I hope Lauren's no-sleeping phase ends before the baby arrives!
You look amazing! I love that brownie story, too. Will probably thought they were being so sneaky.:)
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