Saturday, June 20, 2015

2015 :: week 25

June 14
Sunday was our final day in Minnesota. We went to church with the Maxfields, then spent a few hours with them at their home before heading back to Kansas. Lauren loved playing with the twins. She wasn't always able to really "play" with them, but she enjoyed following them around, helping them get toys, and giving them lots of love. She has talked the most about Derek and Nolan since returning home from our trip, and has named one of her feet Derek and the other Nolan. (So when I am helping her get her shoes on she asks if the shoe is for Derek or Nolan instead of right or left.)

June 15
In the movie Curious George's Halloween Boofest (a longtime John-kid favorite), Bill talks to George while brushing his teeth and has a mouthful of foam. Reenacting that moment is one of Will's favorite ways to prolong the bedtime process.

June 16
Tuesday morning I took the kids to our first free kid's movie this summer. Several theaters in the area offer $1 or free kid's movies Tuesday-Thursday and we've chosen a few we'd like to see. The kids have each seen two movies in the theater before and thankfully this one was free because it was our worst yet. It wasn't so much the movie (though I don't think I'll ever go out of my way to see Penguins of Madagascar again) but the fact that Lauren wanted to sit in my lap most of the time and Will had a meltdown when we had to visit the restroom mid-movie.

June 17
The water has been my salvation this pregnancy. My lower back has been so sore for the past month or so and the only time I get much relief is when I am either in the water or the hours after I attend a water aerobics class. Sitting is when it hurts the worst. I guess the buoyancy of the water takes the weight off my back and helps me stretch and move in ways that strengthen and soothe my back. I also feel like I am in better shape than I have ever been at this point in a pregnancy. Thirty-two weeks down, eight to go! This isn't a picture of the class I attended, but the class that meets right after.

June 18
Will and Lauren chose to snuggle together for our post-quiet time movie Thursday afternoon.

June 19
Will is working on folding and putting away all of his laundry all by himself. He's getting pretty good at it, though it hasn't seemed to save me any time yet...

June 20
When Dad makes lunch new and exciting entrees become available. Case in point: the hot dog and mac and cheese plate Anthony made today. Lauren, who normally loves hot dogs wasn't sold on the idea and stuck with plain mac and cheese.

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