Sunday, June 28, 2015

2015 :: week 26

June 21
One of the best things about Will at this age is that he gets very excited about things. At least once a day in the days leading up to Father's Day he insisted we have clandestine discussions in hushed tones about what we were going to do for Anthony. Then, when the big day came he woke me up a full hour earlier than the time we had decided we'd get up to make breakfast (french toast, bacon and fruit). It was a fun breakfast, the only hiccup occuring when Lauren licked the raw bacon because it "smelled so good." I was worried she'd get sick, but nothing happened. Anthony is a pretty fantastic dad and the kids are blessed to have him.

June 22
Hopscotching in sync at the playground after getting the free lunch provided by the school district Monday afternoon.

June 23
"Growing, we do it every day. We're growing when we're sleeping, and even when we play." I can't help but think of the Barney song lyrics every time I look in a full-length mirror, bump into something, or spill on my belly. This week marked 33 weeks. It is a little scary to think that in two months or less there will be another human being that I am responsible for meeting all of his needs. For the most part I am feeling pretty good. My back hurts more than it has ever hurt in a pregnancy, but I still have a fair amount of energy, though I've started taking an afternoon naps a few times a week (see Friday's picture).
June 24
Will's friend Ava moved to Idaho this week and we said goodbye to them after going swimming with her family and a few other friends Wednesday afternoon. Will was delighted to play with his friends' squirt guns.

June 25
The real reason we frequent the pool is the $0.25 cups of pebbled ice. I've been craving it recently and on extra hot days they give away the cups for free. That's Lauren you can see in the background of the picture. She's started swimming with her face under water and likes to toss and retrieve toys.

June 26
Lauren hasn't been sleeping well this summer. She stays up late, wakes up early, in general refuses to nap and is grumpy for most of the afternoon and evening. Oh, and she often falls asleep if we drive anywhere after 3pm. The one way I can get her to sleep is if I take a nap with her. We lay together on the double bed in her room (at night she sleeps in the toddler bed) and she tells me stories or sings me songs until I fall asleep, usually falling asleep herself in the process. It isn't 100% full-proof (I've woken up more than once to an empty room or her playing quietly with other toys) but it's been the best solution I've found so far.

June 27
On Saturday night Lauren and I got invited to a hair and make-up party. We have a ward facebook page where people can post and recently someone expressed interest in learning how to braid their daughters' hair. Then someone else mentioned they wanted to learn how to do makeup. Someone else wanted a GNO. Eventually someone offered to host a party where you we could share ideas on how to do hair and make-up. I shared no ideas of how to do either, but was willing to learn. It is a clear indication to how much make-up I don't wear when Lauren said, "Momma, you look different. Take it off!" after seeing me face with heavy eye makeup. I should also note that before we left Anthony and Will told us they were just going to "eat carrots and celery while we were gone." Turns out that translates into baking brownies and buying cheap brownie batter-flavored iced cream. Fun night for the whole family.

Friday, June 26, 2015


When we found out that the Maxfields were moving to Minnesota last year we were excited to have them within a very reasonable driving distance (6 hours!). Now it's been almost exactly a year since they arrived and we finally got around to getting together last weekend. Now that we both live in the Midwest we'd like to visit at least once or twice a year, but between weather, babies and busy work schedules (call for Steven and travel for Anthony) the second weekend in June was the first time everything fell into place.

When we left our hours Thursday morning it was extremely humid. By the time we were on the north side of town it had started to drizzle. Within the hour it was raining pretty hard and didn't let up for the rest of our journey. We were still able to make pretty descent time, only stopping three times; once for gas and twice to use the restroom and stretch our legs.

We were so excited to see them when we got there!

It was raining quite hard in Rochester too, so we stayed indoors playing and visiting until it was time to eat. Will and Lauren packed some of their dress up clothes so Will was a knight, Lauren was a princess and Wes was a dragon for the hour or so leading up to dinner. Meredith prepared some delicious black beans and chicken in the crockpot and we assembled yummy burritos for dinner. We celebrated Will's "half birthday" with a cake Meredith made after Steven got home. Sidenote: Will knew that he was going to turn 5 and a half in mid-June and has been very anxiously awaiting the day when he could legitimately add the and a half to his age. He decided that he wanted to celebrate this occasion, albeit a few days early, with the Maxfields while we were visiting them.

After we put the kids to bed the adults did some more catching up and then went to bed because kids wake up early regardless of how late their parents stay up to chat.

Friday we were blessed with absolutely beautiful weather. Clear, beautiful skies with temperatures in the mid- to high-seventies with an occasional breeze. We had about a four hour window between the twins morning and afternoon naps and went to the coolest place--Zollman Zoo at Oxbow Park. What is unique about this zoo is that it only houses animals that are native to Minnesota.

The kids had a great time rushing to see each animal. It was while we were here that Will and Weston really became friends. The two of them climbed on rocks and ran around looking for bugs and other stuff on the ground that kids find interesting. Lauren was content to join in on some of the exploration, but stuck closer to the adults to "help with the babies."  We packed food to eat, so we ate lunch in the shade of some trees while the kids played.

After naptime we headed to downtown Rochester to see where Steven works. As usual, it took longer to get the cars loaded up and everyone out of the house so we didn't get to see the museum inside. The complex of buildings was quite pretty and the older buildings blended in rather nicely with the more recent additions.

Meredith filled us in with a basic history of the Mayo family who started the clinics in the 1880s. (From what I can remember) What made the Mayos unique for their time was their acceptance of new and innovative medical techniques. They did not feel that they knew everything and were open to new ideas and asked other doctors for input and to join their team. The collective knowledge and experience of the group was greater than any one doctor could provide and over time their practice grew. They also treated all patients the same, regardless of their race or class.

When Steven was ready to leave we drove about half an hour to a beautiful farm that opens on Friday evenings to sell pizza. The pizza is made with ingredients grown on the farm and is really delicious.

It was a busy night so we quickly placed our order, then explored the farm while we waited for our food. I just couldn't get over what a picturesque place we were in. Meredith packed some bats and balls for the kids to use, but only Will played baseball for very long. Weston and Lauren preferred to wander around and explore the farmstead.

Anthony was excited to find a Scandinavian game set up to play. He couldn't remember the name of the game, but he remembered seeing people play it at parks in Finland during the summer when he was on his mission.

It was such a great night and one of the highlights of our trip!

It wasn't quite time for the big kids to go to bed when we got home (the twins went to bed right away). Weston and Will played with the wedgits and Anthony and Steven talked about their fantasy baseball teams. Meredith and I were amused at the amount of time they spent analyzing their teams and strategizing trades.

We had hoped to get out of the house and do something outdoors on Saturday, but it rained most of the day. Anthony and Steven played an old school Nintendo with Will and Weston for several hours Saturday. Thank goodness for the internet, they were able to beat several levels of Zelda that would have taken them months back when these games were new.

As much fun as the male bonding via video games was, Meredith and I wanted to get out of the house for a bit. We decided to go to the local mall and try out some of the free play places available there so the older kids could burn off some energy.

We checked out Scheels first. They had a pretty cool play area that a section for big kids and those under three. Our time there was fairly uneventful until Will came out of the playplace sobbing. Apparently some boy told him he was going to put Will in a trashcan. Forever! This was very disturbing to Will and took him several minutes to get over.

Once he recovered he got back in and continued playing whatever it was he was playing with Wes. We were all hungry at this point so we hit up the food court for lunch. Thankfully we were able to fit in a few trips up and down the escalators on our way. It had been awhile since I've eaten at the mall and it was about the same as I remembered. Pretty good, not particularly healthy, and overpriced. But it is always nice to have a variety of options available all in one place that you don't have to make yourself. Once we were filled up we tried out another play area. It was fairly crowded because of the rain, but our kids still played mostly with each other. Will and Weston got increasingly physical over the course of our visit. They were full out wrestling by the time we left.

You can kind of see Will tackling Weston in the center of this picture, just to the right and behind Lauren. Wes never seemed upset, but I was pretty worried that Will would be too rough or hurt him. Boys.

We all had some quiet time after the mall. Lauren and I took a catnap together. When I woke up the boys were back at it with the Nintendo again.

There was a short break in the rain so we rode and walked to an elementary school to play for a bit.

Then it was home again for baths. Will opted out of the cousin bath time and Weston was too engrossed in his game to stop for a picture.

Lauren's always good for a smile.

Meredith prepared another yummy meal and dessert.

The kids played a bit more and then went to bed. Will's lucky his cousins were content to watch him play.

As usual, we had the hardest time getting Lauren to sleep. A few hours after the other kids had fallen asleep she was still up. I thought I could maybe hear someone moving around while we watched a TED talk and my suspicions were confirmed when I found her in the playroom as I was getting ready for bed. She wants to be part of all the action.

Sunday was church. The Maxfields have morning church, which was a pleasant change of pace from our 1pm schedule. During Sacrament meeting I was so impressed (as I was many times over the course of our visit) with how well Meredith and Steven handle having twin toddlers. Just watching them take care of the twins made me tired. They have a nice ward and both of our kids were brave enough to go to Primary.


We ate lunch and packed up after church. Will and Weston fit in some more playtime and Lauren got in some more time with the babies. I just wanted to keep talking, prolonging our visit as much as possible, but we needed to get on the road by about 3:30pm. Anthony had to catch a flight to Pennsylvania in the morning and I didn't want to deal with the aftermath of the trip by myself with kids that were up way too late. We timed it pretty well and arrived home right around 10pm. Both kids slept for about an hour in the car and weren't too grumpy the next day.

Thanks Maxifelds, for providing a fun weekend! Can't wait to do it again!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

2015 :: week 25

June 14
Sunday was our final day in Minnesota. We went to church with the Maxfields, then spent a few hours with them at their home before heading back to Kansas. Lauren loved playing with the twins. She wasn't always able to really "play" with them, but she enjoyed following them around, helping them get toys, and giving them lots of love. She has talked the most about Derek and Nolan since returning home from our trip, and has named one of her feet Derek and the other Nolan. (So when I am helping her get her shoes on she asks if the shoe is for Derek or Nolan instead of right or left.)

June 15
In the movie Curious George's Halloween Boofest (a longtime John-kid favorite), Bill talks to George while brushing his teeth and has a mouthful of foam. Reenacting that moment is one of Will's favorite ways to prolong the bedtime process.

June 16
Tuesday morning I took the kids to our first free kid's movie this summer. Several theaters in the area offer $1 or free kid's movies Tuesday-Thursday and we've chosen a few we'd like to see. The kids have each seen two movies in the theater before and thankfully this one was free because it was our worst yet. It wasn't so much the movie (though I don't think I'll ever go out of my way to see Penguins of Madagascar again) but the fact that Lauren wanted to sit in my lap most of the time and Will had a meltdown when we had to visit the restroom mid-movie.

June 17
The water has been my salvation this pregnancy. My lower back has been so sore for the past month or so and the only time I get much relief is when I am either in the water or the hours after I attend a water aerobics class. Sitting is when it hurts the worst. I guess the buoyancy of the water takes the weight off my back and helps me stretch and move in ways that strengthen and soothe my back. I also feel like I am in better shape than I have ever been at this point in a pregnancy. Thirty-two weeks down, eight to go! This isn't a picture of the class I attended, but the class that meets right after.

June 18
Will and Lauren chose to snuggle together for our post-quiet time movie Thursday afternoon.

June 19
Will is working on folding and putting away all of his laundry all by himself. He's getting pretty good at it, though it hasn't seemed to save me any time yet...

June 20
When Dad makes lunch new and exciting entrees become available. Case in point: the hot dog and mac and cheese plate Anthony made today. Lauren, who normally loves hot dogs wasn't sold on the idea and stuck with plain mac and cheese.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

2015 :: week 24

June 7
We went over to my parents after church on Sunday. Lauren and Will like to play with all the toys in their basement and worked together to build a wall.

June 8
Lately Will has taken to grabbing my phone and taking lots of pictures when I'm not paying attention. I found a series of pictures he took while we getting ready to head to the pool Monday afternoon, including this incriminating picture of Lauren.

June 9
We checked out The Princess and the Frog from the library and Lauren wants to watch it daily. Here the kids are dancing during one of the musical numbers. I don't feel quite so bad about them watching a show when they are moving around and playing at the same time.

June 10
Wednesday was hot and we hit up the pool for a little cooling off. As we walked up 2 buses full of kids arrived, so it was a little crowded. We stuck a bit closer together and still had fun. Sidenote: I really hate it when people bring water guns to the pool. I expect to get wet when I come to the pool, even splashed occasionally. But I really dislike getting sprayed with errant streams of water.

June 11
Thursday we drove to Rochester, MN, to spend the weekend with the Maxfields. It started raining about fifteen minutes after we hit the road and continued to rain for our entire six hour journey. We had perfect timing and arrived at snack time.

June 12
Friday was a nearly perfect day. The weather was gorgeous and we half the day outdoors. We spent the morning at the zoo and in the evening drove to Dreamacres, Pizza on the Farm. There is a farm about 45 minutes outside of Rochester that serves brick oven pizza on Friday evenings during the summer. While we waited for our pizza the kids  explored the farm. I like this picture of the three "big kids" simultaneously searching for the perfect rocks to add to their collections.

June 13
Saturday was another fun (but rainy) day in Rochester topped off with delicious brownies and ice cream before bed. Will and Weston had a lot of fun playing together and were two peas in a pod during our visit. Lauren was content to switch off playing with the big boys, the twins and by herself.