April 12 |
What? You don't keep your tissues in your shoes? Lauren has taken to storing things in her shoes when she doesn't have a pocket, which is most of the time. It makes us laugh, because Will can hardly stand to have the seams of his socks misaligned and yet Lauren can walk or peddle a bike with tissues, coins or small pieces of paper stashed under her feet.
April 13 |
We are trying to reclaim this spot in backyard and debating on what to do with it. When we moved in there was a large bush surrounded by lots of small plants that died during the hot and dry summer of 2012 (before we learned how to take better care of our yard). Ever since it has been a hotspot for weeds and where we've kept the sand table. My mom gave the kids their own garden tools and they've enjoyed digging in the dirt over the past week.
April 14 |
Tuesday night Anthony and I accompanied Will to his elementary school's "Kindergarten Round-Up." To say he was exited would be an understatement. While the principal, PTA president, school nurse, etc., talked to parents about school policies and procedures the kindergarten teachers and PTA volunteers gave the kids a "taste" of what school will be like. According to Will, they got a tour of the school, played with a parachute, did a small art project, sang some songs and read a book called
Dinner. He was ready to start the next day and was very disappointed both when I informed him he wouldn't be riding a bus (we live about a block away) and that we would be walking with him to school (at least to the end of the street to make sure he gets across okay).
April 15 |
We met the Sanners at a new-to-us park Wednesday afternoon after preschool. I almost cancelled the trip because it had been misty and wet earlier in the afternoon. It was a bit wet, Will went down the slide and soaked his backside before I had a chance to wipe it off and we had to quickly run home to get a new pair. After we parked we had to walk over a bridge to get to the playground which the kids thought was pretty awesome.
April 16 |
The kids have started "camping" in the upstairs hallway between their rooms. The first time they did it was after they had been put to bed the previous night and I turned the hallway lights out because they both kept getting out of bed. They moved their pillows to the hallway and had their heads in the hallway and bodies in their rooms (so they could honestly answer they were in their rooms when I called up and asked if they were in their rooms). Camping quickly got the kibosh that night, but they both played for hours the next morning and have continued to play in the days since.
April 17 |
We went to the Diggins for lunch Friday afternoon. It was the first time we had seen them in months. After eating the kids let their creative juices flow and worked to create kites and various bug-catchers. An afternoon with the Diggins is always fun.
April 18 |
We went on a date to Saturday night! We aren't always great about prioritizing date nights and this year set a goal to go on at least one date a month in 2015. Four months in and we haven't missed a month yet. Never mind the fact that our previous dates were on the 31st, 28th and 27th of month. We met up with some friends that are moving in just over a month and had dinner at Red Robin, then ran some super glamorous errands at Home Depot and Target.