Saturday, February 21, 2015

2015 :: week 8

February 15
I'm not really sure why I took this picture of Will's row in primary on Sunday, but it's the only picture I did take so here it is. Will's class is the biggest class in our primary with nine kids. We have a really small primary in our ward, which means one of our kids gets to do something at least once a month. Will gave the scripture this week and Lauren got to help with a singing time activity.

February 16
It snowed overnight and after shoveling our driveway we headed to the library for storytime. Our attendance has been spotty lately because Will claims storytimes are "for babies." In his defense, as one of the oldest kids not in school this year there often are children much younger than him at the storytimes. When we were visiting the library last week the librarian told us the upcoming storytime had a dinosaur theme and that was all it took to reel Will back.

February 17
Lauren with a stool is a dangerous thing. It almost always means she's up to something that she doesn't want to ask an adult for help with.

February 18
We went back to the Lenexa Gym for Me again Wednesday morning. As we walked in I felt colder than I had in a long time. I checked the temperature on my phone and it said it was 18 degrees and felt like -2 with the wind chill. Brrr! At the gym Lauren quickly made friends with a group of girls and rode around with them in a wagon their grandma was pulling.

February 19
It's always a gamble driving anywhere with Lauren in the late afternoon. She's at that stage where she never naps but could still use an hour or two most days. The downside is that she usually wakes up crying and it takes a good 10-15 minutes (or a tv show) to snap her out of her post-nap funk.

February 20
Will and his "monster plate" of stroganoff. Our kids are going through a rather picky phase when it comes to food, but one food that Will eats without a fight every single time we make it is stroganoff. It is always a bonus when there are leftovers because then he can have a great lunch the next day too.

February 21
We tried out Pie Five for dinner Saturday night. I've been wanting to check it out for a long time and we finally got around it. The fact that I spent most of the day nursing a headache and reading may have contributed to our decision to go out. It was nice that we could get a pizzas made exactly the way each of us wanted it. Compromise is great, but sometime you just want what you want. Will and Lauren got cheese to split, so maybe that's why I've grown wary of pizza compromise--nothing but cheese for these two.


E said...

Oh the stools! Ava's obsessed with her step stools right now. I feel you on the post nap funks. It's such a crappy thing to know how badly they need a nap, but also dread it when they wake up from one.

So what did you think of Pie Five? I didn't think it was that amazing, but I do love the atmosphere and how much the kids love it :)

Mitzi said...

Audrey is so mischievous with stools, too. Now Ruby uses them as well. It's never good.

Holly said...

Wish we could have made it to the gym on Wednesday. Let's try again sometime! Oh, and Bennett has the same problem. He's almost always the biggest kid around who isn't in school yet. He's still so little, how can that be??

Meredith said...

I love the picture of Lauren in the wagon! Got to love someone else pulling your child around!