Saturday, February 14, 2015

2015 :: week 7

February 8

Anthony left right after church (we had Stake Conference, so we got out at noon instead of 4pm) to head for Atlanta for a work conference. This is the laundry he folded the night before he left to lighten my load for the week. I had a very frustrating day with Will on Saturday and it was nice to start the week off with baskets full of freshly washed and folded laundry. I don't give Anthony enough credit as I should for the nice things he does.

February 9
Will has been going a bit stir-crazy recently so I decided to make more of an effort to get out of the house this week. Monday we went to the Lenexa Open Gym. It's a great option for getting out of the house and the kids always enjoy themselves. The first time we went (2 years ago) Lauren was about 15 months old and Will had just turned 3. Now when we go Will is one of the biggest kids there. Will had a great time riding a bike around the gym and challenged Lauren and me to a several races. We had a fun morning.

February 10
It's hard for me to keep track of all of Lauren's antics. She keeps me on my toes day and night. We routinely find toys hidden under her pillow or stickers in her blankets that she takes out to play with after bed. The other night I went and checked on her because I could hear noise coming from her room over and hour after I put her to bed. When I walked into her room she was very pleased to pull her covers show me she was wearing her slippers to bed.

February 11
Sometimes it takes the whole family to take out the trash. Our trash pickup is Thursday morning, so I typically try to gather up trash from the bedrooms and bathrooms during the day on Wednesday. Anthony got home from the airport right at dinnertime and he helped the kids take it out to the big trashcans and then the curb after we ate.

February 12
Our monthly relief society meetings moved to the second Thursday this year. I recently got called to be the Enrichment counselor in the Relief Society presidency in my ward, which means these nights are now a big part of my life. The theme was "Love One Another." We had four stations--cookie decorating, cup cake decorating, valentine candy-gramming, and an anonymous compliments game. Despite the cold we had a great turnout. It was a fun evening.

February 13
We ran several errands Friday afternoon, one of which was a Target trip. Will and Lauren love getting stickers from the cashiers at Target. If the cashier doesn't offer one they ask, which I find a bit embarrassing.

February 14
We had a low-key Valentine's Day. We ate an early dinner, then went to the library and let the kids pick out a movie to watch (The Muppet Christmas Carol) and the grocery store to buy some ice cream. It's hard to compromise on a flavor when one person's vote is based entirely on color (pink). We spent the evening watching the movie, eating ice cream and playing Sequence. It was a nice way to spend a day designated for love.


Susan said...

Blue bell for Valentine's Day? Sounds like the best day ever. :) My kids sometimes ask for stickers at Target, too, and it always embarrasses me. Congrats on your new calling. You've been involved with enrichment for a long time it seems. You must be doing a great job! Our ward seriously suffers in the enrichment department. We've only had one enrichment since we moved here 8 months ago. Clearly someone needs to step it up...

Mitzi said...

Yum! Blue bell!