February 1 |
Lauren really likes going to Sunbeams. Her teachers have each child hold on to a rope when they walk through the hallway to get a drink and use the bathroom. Apparently they take turns being the line leader. Though she wasn't in this picture, Lauren was pleased to report to me that
she got to be a line leader at some point during the day.
February 2 |
We have been trying to be more deliberate about our FHEs. At this point I feel like our life is FHE because we are always together, or at least I feel like the kids and I spend 99% of our time together, so the need for a formal FHE feels a bit silly. But this year we've been more diligent about plannig and executing a FHE with songs, a lesson, activity and treat. Will is leading the music, though you can't quite tell what he is doing with his arm. I really need to upgrade my phone.
February 3 |
Anthony and Will played some baseball after baths Tuesday evening. Hearing Will use phrases like, "You crushed it," or "That was roped," make me smile, because he obviously is parroting phrases he's heard TJ use.
February 4 |
I noticed trucks driving around pouring salt on the roads while we were out and about Wednesday morning. I had my doubts that it would actually snow, but it did. It started to snow while we were dropping Will off at preschool and when Lauren and I were getting ready to pick him up a few hours later we saw that the flakes were sticking. Not for long, within 48 hours the snow had completely melted.
February 5 |
It had been a long time since we last got together with the Diggins for lunch. Thursday afternoon they came over and the kids played while Carrie and I attempted to catch up. The kids played really well together, which was nice. It is hard to tell what they are doing in this picture, but they are playing a live action Mario game. Each kid was a Mario character (all I can remember is that Will was Bowser and Cami was Princess Peach) and they ran all over the house as if they were playing Mario Kart. Will is dying for a Wii. What he doesn't realize is that by making up and playing his own version of the game with friends where they actually run around and are being creative he is giving me no motivation to go out and buy one. I have nothing against the Wii, but I am cheap and hesitant to add any additional screens to our lives at this point.
February 6 |
Friday was a bit of a rough day. Lauren has had a night-time cough for the past few days that has been waking us up throughout the night for several nights. By Friday I was quite tired. Will has been more argumentative and aggressive when he feels wronged or is corrected lately and it is exhausting. It was a rough afternoon of me trying to keep my cool and remember my long term goal of wanting Will to grow up to be a content, productive and useful member of society. All I wanted to do was lock him in his room and take a nap. I didn't expect five to be such an emotional age. Eventually I told the kids they had to go outside for a bit (it was relatively warm). As I watched them through the window from the quiet house things felt so peaceful. It was only for a few minutes, but it was definitely a highlight of my day.
February 7 |
Will, Lauren and I played some pretty epic games of Sequence Jr. today. Try as Lauren and I might, Will beat us 3 out of 4 games.The fact that he seemed to draw exactly the card he needed at just the right time didn't hurt him (or help us!) either.