Sunday evening I was exhausted. I've been having trouble sleeping lately, but am trying my best not to take naps so I will be tired at night. After we ate dinner all I wanted to do was go to bed (at 6:30 pm). Lauren and I snuggled on the couch for a bit as we tried to pass the time away before we could go to bed. She really likes to snuggle with my lower legs. I don't get it, but I'm not going to stop her.
Anthony worked on our hallway project for awhile Monday. We are putting up a simple board and batten and hooks so we have a place to hang our coats. Hopefully we will have "finished product" pictures soon.
Tuesday evening was our monthly relief society meeting. It was a "spa night" where the ladies could come and pamper themselves. We started out the evening with some Tai Chi stretches. I've been on the planning committee since we moved into the ward over two years ago, but I was recently called to be the committee chair.
Wednesday we attended the Little Oaks Family Storytime at our library. The kids got really into the "Going on a Bear Hunt," song.
I mentioned Lauren's crazy hair before. Still crazy, but this is a more accurate representation of what she looks like when she makes contact with our couch, or any fabric for that matter. Another wave of cold weather passed through the area this week and it is dry. In the meantime we've been lathering the kids up with lotion and chapstick. Lauren's hair sticks up in every direction a good third of the day.
Two of the preschool teachers at Will's school organized a scavenger hunt at the pet store Friday morning. Will and Lauren were excited to go because, 1) they love the pet store and 2) there is just something cool about seeing people outside of where you usually see them. At the end of the hunt they ended up at the fish tanks where they picked out 2 beta fish for their classrooms. Will's class picked a baby beta that he is excited to "watch grow up to be huge."
Lauren got invited to a birthday party Saturday morning and it caused a bit of confusion. Lauren was confused because she couldn't understand why we had to leave the present we brought with the birthday girl. Will was confused that Lauren got invited to something without him. The party was "fairy" themed and it was really cute watching the kids dance around with their wings and slippers.
I've had trouble sleeping lately too. It's a terrible thing to suffer from, so I feel your pain and I hope it passes quickly for you. I'm excited to see your hallway when you finish it!!
Can't wait to see the hallway! Lauren is a very cute fairy.:)
I jinxed myself and hardly slept at all last night. Not sleeping is no fun. Hope you get some better rest this week!
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