Saturday, January 18, 2014

2014 :: week 3

We came across a sweater vest when we were perusing the clearance racks at Target last week. I decided it would be fun for Will and Anthony to match, so I persuaded him to wear one to church too. Some pipes in our church building burst last week rendering it temporarily unusable, so we were sent to a different building for Sacrament Meeting only. I could get used to 1 hour and 10 minutes of church.

Monday afternoon we were all going a bit stir-crazy. Lots of whining. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and I told the kids we were going outside. It had been awhile since we got the bikes out and they were a bit rusty, so the bike riding didn't last long. They were more excited about sidewalk chalk and Will was excited to show me the B-Y-U he drew on the driveway with the Y much larger than the B and U.

Tuesday afternoon I watched my friend's kids for a few hours. You would think it would be more work to have additional children in the home, but on that day it was the exact opposite. My kids were significantly better behaved. Lauren wouldn't leave Megan's side, which was heaven for me because she likes to follow me around the house crying, "Hold you!' until I pick her up.

Will had his 4 year check-up Wednesday afternoon. He received a clean bill of health and is meeting  all the appropriate milestones, for which we are grateful. When I asked him what his favorite part of the appointment he said it was the machine giving his arm a bear hug, which is what the nurse told him when she checked his blood pressure.

Thursday afternoon we headed to the Wonderscope Children's Museum. Our membership ends at the end of the month so we are trying to squeeze in a few last trips. In the final room of the museum is a structure made of clear tubes that pumps air. You can feed scarves into the machine and watch them burst out the other end. Lauren was absolutely delighted about it.

Friday I finally got around to washing our car. Our car is white, but lately it has been appearing gray due to the nice layer of dirt, salt and grime it has acquired over the past few months.

Anthony showed Lauren how to fill a toy up with water and squirt it out. She immediately started shooting Will. She was very pleased with herself.


Mitzi said...

I love that last picture of Lauren squirting Will. She seems to have the perfect amount of spunk.:)

Tina said...

I love the matching sweater vests and the blood pressure cuff that the nurse calls a "Bear hug"! What a clever thing for the nurse to come up with! Now, if they can just come up with a clever name for the shot you get in your arm...

Susan said...

Liking the sweater vests!