Sunday, October 27, 2013

2013 :: week 43

Sunday afternoon Will and I decided to get out and enjoy the beautiful fall weather by taking a walk around the neighborhood. Will is really into shadows, specifically the size of his own. One of the best things about kids is seeing the world the way they look at the world. I can't think of the last time I thought about my shadow, and yet Will and I had a five minute discussion about shadows, light and the way the earth moves.

Happy Birthday, Lauren! Our kids are now old enough to have expectations. A birthday isn't a birthday with out party horns in Will's book. We made a special trip to Target just for those babies. Thankfully they didn't make much noise.

Will got his school pictures back on Tuesday. They are so very Will. The hair, the glasses, the smile, the posture...very three-almost-four year old Will.

Wednesday evening Will joined TJ and watched a few innings of World Series Game 1. He actually paid attention was asking questions about baseball and the players. His best taunt (in his mind),"You're (Cardinals) so bad, you should go to the Yankees!" 

One of my favorite things about our neighborhood is the beautiful trees. I love walking and driving under the canopy of changing leaves when we get out and about. Ask me again in a few weeks when all the leaves drop and we're spending our nights and weekends raking leaves and I might say otherwise.

Friday evening we trekked over to Bass Pro to get some pictures with the Peanuts gang.

Saturday was our ward's trunk or treat. Lauren got to lead part of the parade of costumes. Another fun night visiting with our church friends and eating too much candy.


Laura said...

Sundays are my favorite because I love looking forward to your weekly posts. Those two are the cutest! And your outfit in the last pic-tres cute! You guys rock.

Tina said...

I love the picture and the conversation about shadows! I love that Will is thinking and asking and that you are answering and feeding his love of questions. As a science teacher, and as a grandmother, I absolutely love this picture!

Holly said...

Ha! His baseball chant is hilarious!
And I love the trees in your neighborhood too. So gorgeous!

Mitzi said...

I love the school picture!

Susan said...

Beautiful trees. Our leaves are just starting to change here and I'm excited!