Sunday evening my mom got out the doll crib my grandpa built for her when she was a little girl. I remember playing with it when I was young, and it is fun watching Lauren play with it and my old Cabbage Patch doll, Faye, when we visit my parents. I did not pose Lauren in this photo, that's all her.
No better way to celebrate a cold and wet Columbus Day than by spending the evening reading a Columbus-themed mystery.
Tuesday evening Tony helped out with the childcare at our Relief Society monthly meeting. Here Lauren is climbing in the toy oven and giving me flashbacks to my childhood fear of ovens thanks to Hansel & Gretel. Hands down the scariest Fairy Tale.
Wednesday evening has turned into our library night. After storytime we took a few minutes to explore the activities area. Tony helped Will draw a dinosaur, because apparently when he reads Will turns into a dinosaur. In the back you can see Lauren standing on a chair. I know it is not safe. Anyone have any tips on how to get your kids to stop doing that?
Thursday we visited the pumpkin patch. We had planned to go Monday night, but inclement weather forced us to change our plans. After we found our pumpkins we played at the play yard for a bit. Will loved the tire swing while Lauren was content to climb.
While we were at Great Clips waiting for Tony and Will to get their hair cut, I decided Lauren needed a trim too. It still needs to grow a bit longer before we can even it all out, but it looks a lot healthier now. Lauren was very excited about getting a turn in the chair.
Will and Lauren went to a Halloween birthday party and got to wear their costumes. Lauren is a ladybug and Will is Robin Hood.
How fun that Lauren got her first cut! Too bad I didn't get to see it under that ladybug hood :)
Love it. The first picture of Lauren is hilarious how she posed herself. And the picture at the pumpkin patch with Tony pushing Will on the tire swing in the background is precious. I love this cute family!
Their costumes are adorable. I love Will's the most with his glasses. Kids in glasses are the cutest. (Says a mom who hasn't had to deal with making a 3-year-old wear glasses)
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