Sunday, November 18, 2012

double dose of the weekly picture post

Trying to get caught up around here.

One Sunday a month Anthony and I both have meetings before church. My mom very graciously came over to our house Sunday morning to watch the kids. She brought along this stuffed turkey, which Will requested be put on the mantle.

Baby hair is tricky. When Will was Lauren's age, we got out the clippers and evened things out. Girls don't have the same luxury. I am now attempting to pin some of Lauren's hair to the side, using clips her Aunt Carly sent this past summer.  I think she looks pretty cute, but I have to distract her or else she pulls it out.

Tuesday afternoon we walked to the neighborhood elementary school, our designated polling place, and voted. Will was very sad that he didn't get to vote. He kept trying to hit buttons while I was voting. It kind of stressed me out, but luckily there was a summary screen and all my votes went where I intended them to go.

Wednesday morning we were kind of slow going. Anthony and I stayed up too late watching election returns, but the kids were up bright and early, as usual. They love to play in this little nook between our glider and toy shelf. Here Will is making some sort of "soup" and Lojo is busy dissembling all the toys she can get her hands on.

On Thursday evening I went to the temple with a friend from the ward. Our Relief Society sets aside one day and evening session a month for sisters to try to attend the temple together. I have gone a few times and have really enjoyed getting to know some of the women in my ward better. I took this picture of the waterfall outside the temple entrance (now is the time to be jealous of my awesome camera skillz) because I was struck by its beauty, though my camera failed to capture the peace I felt when looking at it.

This is Will being a "turtle." At first I thought it was cute and clever. Those feelings have passed, and now I feel annoyance. Will-the-turtle gets mad if anyone touches his shell. Especially Lauren. Which means there are lots of fights because Lauren is going through a phase where everything Will likes must be interesting.

As I was living it, Saturday seemed like such a long day. Looking back it really wasn't that bad. Regardless, at the end of the day I treated myself to a little retail therapy at the Legends (courtesy of a coupon and gift cards).

Sitting in Relief Society I realized my head hurt. Pretty bad. By the time we made it home it had reached migraine status. There seemed to be a perfect storm of triggers in my life last weekend, so it wasn't too surprising. After Anthony treated me to a long Sunday afternoon nap, the kids and I snuggled on the couch for a bit.

We are still figuring out the food allergy thing over here. I recently was planning on making some spaghetti, only to find out that the sauce I intended to use contained cheese. Luckily I noticed before I served it to Lauren, so I ended up making the sauce from scratch. I'm learning that food allergies = lots of cooking from scratch. Some days I feel more up to the challenge than others and some of my creations taste better than others, but it is starting to come more naturally.

These kids are starting to have genuine fun together. There are few things that make me feel pure happiness more than the two of them enjoying each other.

We were all getting a bit stir crazy, so we took a walk after dinner. Both of the kids were pretty cheerful when we left the house, but I snapped this picture about 2 blocks from our house on the way home. I'm not really sure what happened, but both kids got super cranky half a mile from the house, so we hightailed it home.

Will has a funny sense of humor. I once told him to ask Anthony if he liked the Yankees. I'm not even sure how he responded, but Will caught on, and now he constantly tells us that the Yankees are his favorite team. This is the smile on his face as he told me the Yankees were the best team and the Royals were gross. I know many people would agree with this sentiment, but not in this house. :)

Will really likes to rough house. 

A while back I saw that JCCC was putting on a production of The Mystery of Edwin Drood, and took note. It's been on my list of "plays I want to see" for awhile being that Anthony participated in the play when his senior class preformed it on at Belmont High School in 1999. The guy with the turban on his head is the character TJ played (regrettably, he did not get to wear a turban in his production).


Jill said...

Bahaha. That picture of them in the stroller makes it look like Lauren is on a terrifying roller coaster.

Michelle C said...

You're so good at recapping your life. That has to be so tricky figuring out Lauren's allergies!! We have been switching to organic eating and making everything from scratch, it is super time consuming!!!