Saturday, July 28, 2012

weekly picture post

Sometimes church is just too much. Also, looks like we need to invest in longer pants for Will. And in case you are wondering, Will is just pretending to be asleep in this picture.

Hanging out on the couch watching Word World. Lauren was a bit under the weather this week, teething as far as we knew at this point. So we did a lot of lounging around. This picture gives you a nice view of the raspberry Will got on his forehead Sunday night when he was running around my dad's truck and tripped.

TJ is the window specialist. When we work on projects together we have found we usually specialize in different things. I am a good taper. I also prefer to paint the areas that are relatively easy, like the wall. Anthony does a good job with the areas that require more precision and patience. One of the many reasons I keep him around.

One of the many things I love about where we live is that we live within walking distance to the pool. Wednesday afternoon Lauren had a slight fever so when Anthony was done with work Will and I walked to the pool. Without fail, every time we walk to the pool Will picks up a stick. If you are ever at the Bluejacket pool you should check out the pile of sticks I make Will leave just outside the entrance.

Will is really into Lego Duplos right now. It is fun to see how creative he can be. His favorite things to build are trucks, temples, and towers.

Lauren was admitted to the hospital Friday afternoon, so here she is with her dad, watching the Olympic Opening Ceremony in luxury. I will do another post on her hospital stay and health situation, but when we were at her 9 month check up her doctor was concerned because she had lost weight. She has been classified (is that the right word?) as failure to thrive and we are working to get her to gain some LBs.

I had suspected that Lauren had a milk allergy, and  and I was right (one of the times I wish I was wrong), but it turns out she has several other allergies too. It's going to be fun getting her to gain weight when she can't eat any good stuff. :)


Susan said...

My sister's kids had (and still do have) life-threatening food allergies including wheat, egg, and nuts. She knows lots of tips about feeding allergy-kids. She even started an egg-free cooking blog though I imagine the recipes probably still have a lot of dairy in them. But I've learned from watching my sister that living with food allergies is completely do-able. Good luck!

Carly said...

Just feed her lots and lots of butter. That'll take care of the problem, right? :) Poor girl and poor mom, hopefully you will be able to find some delicious recipes.