Tuesday, July 10, 2012

a day at the farm

Will has been asking to go to the farm for weeks, but it has just been so hot I couldn't muster up the energy to do it. Because the forecast wasn't in the triple digits this week I told Will I would take him. So late yesterday morning we headed to the farmstead. It was a little overcast, and at times I thought it might rain, but it never did. The conditions were almost perfect when we got there--no school tours, relatively few people there, and even a slight breeze.

On the way to the farm I asked Will what he was most excited to see. He told me he wanted to see the windmill.

Posing with the beloved windmill. 

Since it wasn't very crowded, Will could wander at whatever pace suited him. We were able to take in the entire farm this trip, which I don't think we've ever done before.

 Lauren was very impressed with Will's cowbell.

Lauren did great. Lately she has started to fuss when we go for walks at ridiculously slow speeds (Will is our pacesetter), but Monday, she seemed content to just take everything in at half a mile per hour.

 Smiley girl.

We stopped for a break and quick snack on this bench near the praire dogs (another one of Will's favorites). The kids looked cute sitting together on the bench, so of course I wanted to take some pictures.

 I think this one is my favorite.

 Done with the picture taking.

At this point Lauren was starting to get fussy. She wasn't pleased when I put her back in the stroller, so I made Will pick up the pace.

 Very pleased to be a caterpiler.

Delighted by the baby pigs splashing around in the mud.

Will really wanted to swing, so we stopped at one of the little kid playgrounds on our way out. I love playgrounds that have 2 baby swings.

Another group of kids was playing on this train as we walked in, and so when we passed it again on our way out Will insisted it was his turn.

All in all it was a fun morning. Will even took a nap that afternoon, which automatically makes everything better in my book. The "cooler" weather has been nice. The only negative side effect from this trip is that Will has asked me to sing Old McDonald approximately one hundred times in the past 24 hours and I have no idea what sound prairie dogs make.


Mitzi said...

Good luck with the prairie dog sounds! It's always funny to hear what Will likes, he's such an individual.

Eden said...

As I looked through the pictures, I got to the one of the kids looking at each other and went Oh I love it! And then I read your comment of it being your favorite :) Totally agree!
So what farm did you go to?