Sunday, July 22, 2012

weekly picture post

Lauren is such a sweet and smiley little girl. She really is content and happy most of the time. Will actually took this picture of Lauren after church, so I really like it, even though it is kind of blurry. She is getting more and more curious about the things he does and gives him some of her biggest smiles. She isn't crawling or scooting yet, but she stretches, reaches, and rolls all the time.

We play a few rounds of memory with Will almost every day. He is starting to grasp the rules, namely that you take turns, which is making it much more enjoyable for me.

Tuesday afternoon we spent a little time a the children's museum. I got Will to dress up like a fire fighter, but when I tried to take a picture he started jumping around, taking the costume off and yelling, "No pictures of Will," at me.

On Wednesday TJ returned home from his second trip to DC in two weeks. This time we decided to park and come in to greet him. We were all pretty excited to see each other again.

I bought Will a puddle jumper and it has been the best $20 I've spent all summer. He was really resisting the pool for awhile, and I thought it was mostly a power play with me. Turns out, he really did feel insecure in the water. In the three times we have gone to the pool since we got it, he has begged to stay. Lauren is getting so good at sitting up. She likes to sit on the side and watch me help Will "swim. She also loves to float on her back. I love how she laughs when I sway her back and forth and I love how her hair dries straight up afterward.

This is Will's first taste of chocolate milk. The school district we live in has what is calls a "summer lunch bunch" where free lunches are provided to all kids aged 1-18. Will thinks it is a great treat, and feels like such a big boy when we go. I like it because not only does he eat the cafeteria food better than he eats what I make him at home, but he also gets to try a variety of foods I don't usually buy.

For the past few nights Anthony and I have been painting the trim and windows in our kitchen. Through the entire house we have dark brown trim, which we don't really like. So we are s l o w l y working on it. We are about half finished and already the room looks a lot brighter.


Tina said...

I'm so impressed that you find the time and energy after a day of work (both inside AND outside the home) to do some painting. I love how your family room turned out, and I'm sure your kitchen will look GREAT. On another note, I'm glad that Will likes the puddle jumper, and hopefully he will like the pool in Maine as well!

Mitzi said...

Lauren is so adorable in that first picture. Good job will!