Saturday, July 14, 2012

weekly picture post

We played a lot with bubbles this week. I substitute taught a class in Primary and brought the bubbles for an after-the-lesson treat. When Will saw me carrying them after church he insisted we play with them as soon as we got home. Things I like about bubbles are that they are less messy than a lot of other "outdoorsy" things and take almost no prep work. Things I dislike include the amount of  manpower required to keep the bubbles coming at an acceptable rate for certain 2 year old boys. Also, it is hard to both blow bubbles and take a picture of the bubbles at the same time.

Will's hair was getting kind of long. I didn't do the greatest job on his last haircut, and as it grew out my mistakes became more and more obvious. After talking about cutting his hair for about two weeks, I finally took the plunge. As you can see, Will is holding a package of cars in this picture. We have to bribe, restrain, praise, and reward Will if we want to give him a haircut. He hates the noise of the clippers, and he is deathly afraid of having scissors near his head, so it is always a good (read: stressful and labor intensive) time when we chop his locks. After we finished I swept up his hair and told him the birds were going to use it to make a warm nest for the winter. Since then, he has told anyone who has mentioned anything to him about his haircut that birds are using his hair to make a nest.

I have a serious sweet tooth. But in an attempt to eat better I am trying to substitute real fruit for the artificial flavors I have grown accustomed to consuming. Turns out real fruit actually tastes pretty good.

This is Will's Hitch ear. He got some sort of bug bite on his ear Tuesday night, and when he woke up Wednesday morning it was quite swollen. A little benadryl and calamine lotion and it was back to normal in about 24 hours time.

We have this hanging plant that I pretty much left for dead in the hot summer sun. For weeks I've been meaning to just throw it out. But I've been too lazy to actually do it (I'm avoiding all supurfluous trips outside these days). Early in the week Anthony started watering it again, even though I told him it was a waste of water. And what do you know, a couple days later green leaves began to appear. On Thursday it rained a bit for the first time in weeks and our little plant blossomed some more. So the moral of the story is, never give up on life.

The marketing team at HyVee play Will like a drum. Car cart? Check. Free cookie to any kids under the age of 12? Check. Will loves it. Seriously, if I say we are going to the grocery store, he doesn't bat and eye, but if I mention HyVee he starts walking towards the garage. He is a simple man, with simple pleasures, and HyVee gets him. I like Lauren's face in the picture. It looks like she is eyeballing the cookie, dreaming about the future day when she get's an M&M cookie too.

Lauren loves the water. She has been my water baby this summer. I love the way she laughs when I play with her in the pool. She loves to lay on her back (while I'm holding her) and sway back and forth. I noticed today when we were playing that she finally cut her third tooth (front top right). My baby is growing up! It's much more fun to have a baby to play with instead of being 6 1/2 months pregnant like I was at this time last year.


Laura said...

Will's ear is ridiclous! I can't stop laughing!

Jill said...

Will is loco.