Sunday, July 1, 2012

weekly picture post

For some reason it really annoys me that I started posting these Tuesday through Monday. So I figured since today is the first day of a new week and month, I will start posting them Sunday to Saturday now. So here is a shorter week. I kind of lost steam with picture taking this week. It is really hot. Will isn't sleeping enough. I got a migraine. TJ got a sinus infection. Lauren is the happiest person in our house. I am writing a lot of really short sentances. Next week will be better. I'm ready for July. :)

We have started to bribe Will to sleep. If he has a successful quiet time he gets to pick a fun activity to do with the family (go to the library, park, pool, take a walk, TJ plays his trumpet, get a cookie at HyVee, etc.). Successful means that at minimum he is quiet in his room for one hour. Tuesday he actually slept, which was awesome. He chose a trip to the library, so we all loaded up and spent an hour at one of the local libraries. Will was very good so we even let him watch an episode of World World when we got home. Here we are enjoying a few peaceful moments together.

TJ took this picture of Will early Wednesday morning. He stayed home from work Wednesday because of a bad headache. There are several pictures of Anthony on the camera too, that judging by the angle, I'm assuming Will took. This picture symbolizes several things about this week. The pillow on the couch because Will woke us up early, the "I Will Take Care of my Body" handout from an FHE where we taught Will that we need to give our bodies rest (a fact he likes to remind us about), and his basket of instruments on the floor because loud toys are the best toys when your parents have headaches.

In this picture Will is singing the Wheels on the Bus to Lauren. I'm not exactly sure what action he was doing at this point in time.  Lauren is chewing on her fingers because chewing is her current pastime of choice.

My favorite thing about this picture is Lauren eating sand in the background. No matter how many times I tried to stop her, she just kept on trying. As I mentioned before, this week has been really hot. We usually like to go to the park, but this week we only went twice. If I am going to go outside, I need water.

 TJ organized a softball game for our ward's EQ so we spent a few hours at the park. I think all the people that played had a good time. For those of us watching kids, it was really hot. I kept Lauren out in the heat too long, but luckily she is pretty forgiving. Will wouldn't take a nap this afternoon, but he fell asleep within about 2 minutes of us putting him in bed, which was pretty awesome. Seriously, the few hours we spent at the park that morning pretty much drained all of my energy for the day, but not having to fight Will after bedtime is priceless.


The Cunninghams said...
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The Cunninghams said...

I hope you have many more quiet times this week! I hate when Noah skips naps.

Kathy said...

Carrie, I love your blog. You make me laugh. Plus you have the cutest kids in the world. Thanks for letting us peek in on your exciting life with two little ones. They are beautiful.