Monday, June 25, 2012

weekly picture post

This past week a lot of emotional energy was spent dealing with Will not sleeping well. There were several embarassing public tantrums and daily fights about the tiniest things. I didn't sleep well either and was kind of grouchy myself. By Friday things started to get better, but the first half of the week was pretty rough.

Lauren has been such a delight lately. Her top teeth are working their way down, so she's chewing on everything she can get her hands on. Even though she is teething, she has still been pretty cheerful, which was awesome because I couldn't have handled two grumps this week.

Will likes it when we help him spell words with his letter magnets. When I was getting the kids breakfast I noticed some strange words for toddlers to know on the fridge. I checked with Anthony and apparently they had spelled BASS DRUM the night before when I was at a Relief Society activity.

Thursday was a frustrating day for me. I had pretty much reached my wits end in dealing with Will, and as such, was feeling quite sorry for myself. Thursday also happended to be my sister Laura's birthday, so we went to Red Robin for dinner. I brought some food for Lauren, but she wasn't interested and as we were walking to the car I dropped the opened container on my foot. This just goes to show why you shouldn't have a pity party for yourself. Instead of having cute pictures with your sister on her birthday, you take a picture of your foot with purred garden vegetables splattered on it. It is easier gain that perspective after your stubborn child finally gets a good night of sleep though.

We got TJ a grill for Father's Day and he has been lighting it up. We've been eating a lot of grilled chicken and fresh veggies. Each meal we've gotten a little more creative with the marinade and spices we use and each meal gets better. And bonus, it is really hot and we haven't had to use the oven. I think we'll be putting it to good use this summer.

Wet baby, post bath. To say I am jealous of her eyelashes would be an understatement. Both of my kids have nice eyelashes, but Lauren's are nice and dark for someone with hair as light as her's appears to be.

On Sunday I had a pretty annoying headache, so TJ entertained and took care of the kids most of the afternoon. When I got up from a nap I found them building towers and spelling words with the letter blocks. Lauren was making us laugh because every time she extended her arm to reach for a block she would hold the other arm behind her to balance. My words are not doing the cuteness of it justice. I think it is just funny for Anthony and me to see how graceful she is in comparison to her brother.

We've been taking the kids for evening walks quite often lately. My mom got Will a tricycle that he loves to ride. You can't see in the picture, but it has a push handle. Will rarely peddles. So I'm not really sure why he is resting his head like that, considering he just got a free ride. The other night (back when he wasn't sleeping and I was feeling sorry for myself) we took the kids for a walk and he literally fell asleep on the trike. He fell into such a deep sleep that he couldn't be woken up. I had to carry him home and Tony had to push Lauren and the empty trike home. I guess it is true when they say drowsy driving is like drunk driving. Side note, Will has started to talk to Lauren a lot. He frequently asks her if she wants to play, and insists on giving her a hug and a kiss when she takes a nap or goes to bed. She loves the extra attention.


Emily said...

Love love love! Glad to hear he's loving Lojo more now :)

The Cranes said...

Lauren looks SO MUCH like you in the first picture, Carrie!!

Lauren said...

Okay that's pretty adorable how she picks up the blocks like that!