Thursday, June 14, 2012

a post about will

We've made a lot of changes with Will's sleep routine in the past two weeks. First, we took away his pacifier. I've been fearing it for awhile, but he hasn't asked for it once. Unfortunately, he started yelling and clumsily climbing out of his crib (and hurting himself in the process) so we had to permanently move him to the twin bed. Of course, the twin bed offers way too much freedom for a little boy who has yet to master his agency. Besides staying up as late as possible, he now wakes up much too early. This early rising led to TJ and me waking up to a clicking noise this morning. When Anthony asked what was going on, a little voice replied, "I take picture Mommy sleeping."  What?!?!

This is the photo case you were interested. It's my arm.

Will has really been exercising his independence, which, although normal for his age, is annoying. I like to call him the King of DIY because he insists on doing everything himself.

This is a picture of him running away when we told him it was time to come in the other night.

Here he is wiggling out of his car seat on the way home from the pool.

I know my frustrations are not unique. Any parent of a toddler could tell you similar tales, but it is starting to wear on me. I feel like I am constantly nagging, pursuading, reprimanding, etc...

But tonight, we had fun. We went to the library, just the two of us. We picked out a few movies, books, and played with the train set. Will loves trains. I had fun helping him put the track together and watching him enjoy himself as he pushed the train around. It was good for us to have a fun time together. Will even told me on the way home that it was "so, so fun."

Yes, he is stiff-arming me, but at least he's smiling.

At the end of almost every day he tells me that it was a "good day." I hope he really feels that way, and he doesn't focus on my nagging too much.


Emily said...

I laughed so much during this post! Not only is Will an escape artist, but a stalkarazzi! Also, I love the arm stiffing in the last pic. Cute, cute (crazy) boy :)


Laura said...

Hahaha too funny! He is loco.