Friday, September 23, 2011

Our first house guests--part 1

Carly, Daniel, Sadie and Elise came to Kansas City! And it has taken me a lo-o-o-ong time to blog about it. Mainly because there are a ton of pictures to sort through and also because we miss them. And also because I feel guilty that about 98% of the pictures I took while they were here are of Will, Sadie or the two of them. Poor Elise. Next time we get together our child#2 will be here and they can complain about being photo-neglected together.

The travelers arrived late Wednesday evening. After getting the kids in bed the adults stayed up and chatted for a bit. As such, we all slept in a bit the next morning. The weather Thursday was hot and gross, but Carly and I braved it to take Will and Sadie to the park by our house. Unfortunately they only have one "baby" swing and Will got his first taste of having to take turns. Turns out he doesn't really like sharing and taking turns. That would be a theme of the week for him.

That evening we headed out to Fritz's for dinner. The general consensus was the food is OK, but the atmosphere is great for toddlers. If you are ever comparing your restaurant food to the food that was served in your public school's cafeteria, OK is the best it can be. It was however, the first time we have taken Will to a restaurant in months where I didn't regret bringing him, which makes the food quality acceptable. There was a train that was constantly going around the restaurant that kept Will & Sadie's interest almost the entire time we were there. They also deliver your meal via train, so if your kid likes trains, check out Fritz's.

On the way out of the restaurant we thought it would be fun to let Will and Sadie sit in the miniature "choo-choo." They were okay with it at first. I noticed that you could put in $0.50 and the train would move, so we put in some quarters and let the kids rock out.

The consensus was--not worth the money.

It was still hot and muggy Friday. Since our local pools closed early this year we busted out the kiddie pool.

After "pool time" we caught the kids playing together with the bucket of cars and racetrack. Like I mentioned before, Will doesn't really like sharing his toys (he's fine with sharing other's toys though), so unfortunately, moments like this were rare.

They also enjoyed dancing to Farmer Tad (of the barn magnet on the fridge) in the kitchen.

Even Uncle Tony got in on the dancing fun.

That night we decided to go to a Royals' Game and take advantage of Buck Night. Even though it was hot, our seats were up high enough that it was nice and breezy.

On Saturday Anthony and I wanted to check out some yard sales to look for a lawnmower. Will and Sadie came along and we had a fun time.

We didn't find a good lawnmower, but while we were driving we heard an ad that a local grocery store was having a "Grand Re-Opening" and they were offering free stuff to all who stopped by. We were literally 2 blocks away when we heard the ad so we stopped in and got some sweet donuts, balloons, and other samples.

The kids wanted to work those calories off so we stopped at a park with two baby swings on the way home.

That afternoon we watched the BYU-Ole Miss game with our friends the Diggins. We had a fun time, and it looks like the size 12-month football jersey I forced Will to wear (because we didn't have anything BYU in his current size) might have been a good-luck charm.

Stay tuned for part 2.


The Cunninghams said...

Sounds like a great time! I definitely agree with the Fritz's assessment.

Meredith said...

They are such cute cousins! I hope this next batch is as cute. Hey did you get any pictures of Elise, Sadie and Will? I want to frame a picture of our baby's John the $2 IKEA frame I bought with you. I might just have to do Nielsons and Johns separately, especially if I want to get your girl.