Sunday, September 18, 2011


Growing Up

As of yesterday our very own Will is 21 months old. Here are Will and Dad celebrating the end of month 21 by watching the BYU-Utah game (during happier times, aka the second quarter).

It's freaking me out a bit because as soon as we found out I was pregnant, I did the math and figured out Will would be 22 months old when the baby is born (assuming my pregnancy is "normal" and baby is born on or after her due date). We are now approximately a month away. Eeks!

I've also been caught of guard several times lately at how much of a little "boy" Will is becoming. Sometimes I will look over at him sitting on the couch or at the table and he just looks so grown up. His mannerisms are more mature and I really enjoy the "conversations" we are able to have now. He is capable of doing so many things, if only we can get him to cooperate once the baby is born...

Which brings me to another point, he is very opinionated and very expressive. It drives me nuts because he is so much more aggressive with me than he is with TJ. Maybe it's because I am scared of him making any contact with my stomach when he throws a fit, so he knows I'm soft. I'm not sure, but he definitely has figured out my weaknesses.

On a more positive note, Will loves to learn. He recognizes most letters, several colors and about half of the digits between 0-9. He is getting a lot better at saying them too. He used to avoid all words that start with L, R, H, S, or Y and most vowels.

Will loves...
...cottage cheese
...going on walks
...singing Wheels on the Bus
dipping food
...his grandparents (he talks about Memaw, Pepaw, Papa, and Nana all the time and frequently calls out for them when I am making him do something he doesn't want to do)
...helping (seriously, I can't touch the dishwasher, mop/broom, or laundry when he is awake without having to do battle with him)

Will dislikes...
...long sleeves (or any clothes he considers too "ight")
...the word "no"
...leaving the park (he has been known to get violent on occasion)
...sharing his toys (he is fine with other kids sharing their toys with him though) people (at first, once he realizes we aren't going to leave him he warms up)

He's a pretty funny little guy. I think we'll keep him.

Growing Out

Here I am in all my 35-week glory. Weeks 29-34 went by pretty quickly due to the move, our trip to Boston, the Nielson's visit and our trip to Utah. I'm hoping weeks 35-40 will go by as quickly (a girl can dream) and I am able to accomplish as much (not likely).

I haven't done a very good job of documenting this pregnancy. Overall I feel about the same, but there are some differences. With Will I had a lot of pain in my pelvic joints and right knee due to the increased amount of the hormone relaxin in my system. This time there are just general aches and pains, with more pain in my hips than I remember with Will. This chica moves around quite a bit more than Will.

I'm finding myself getting tired more often than last time too. Not terribly surprising since I have a toddler to attend to this time around. I am having a harder time dealing with the heat, but it was late November when I was this far along with Will, and the weather has just recently gotten cooler. In the past few days I have gone places where the heat has actually been turned on. I almost passed out I was so hot. I love my little space heater, but am really looking forward to the day when I don't carry her around inside of me.

Our trip to Utah was harder on my body than I thought it would be. On the flight home I told Anthony that if I go into labor early (or even on my own!) that I will attribute it to the trip, but now that we've been home a few days and I'm feeling like my "normal" pregnant self I feel like that may have been a little over dramatic. I guess to sum it all up I will say things are coming along just fine, I can handle about 5 more weeks of this, but I reserve the right to change my mind about anything I have just written at any time if I feel so inclined. :)


Unknown said...

I have not checked in for a while, and just saw that you're expecting again! Congrats! I'm excited for you!

Michelle C said...

Carrie - I had NO IDEA!!!!! Did you ever put it on facebook? Facebook can be frustrating sometimes, I feel like I miss out on the most important info. i am so behind on everyone's blog. This is so, so exciting!!!