We were also treated to a nice dance routine by our acroos-the-street neighbor. I actually caught him dancing in the yard again this week wearing football pads. Pepaw and Laura came over and had some taco soup with us. Carly added some BBQ sauce and it was delicious.
Monday was Labor Day, also known as the day of picnics. Our ward had a picnic at lunchtime and our neighborhood had a picnic for dinner. Both were fun, but I didn't take a single picture. On the way home from the neighborhood picnic we stopped at the park and Will did a little bit better sharing the swing this time. It helped that Sadie wasn't quite as interested in swinging. We thought about playing games that night, but instead got late night snacks and tried to think of all the random songs that were popular when we were in high school (this could have happened a different night though, my memory is getting hazy).
Sadie did a great job feeding the baby goats. Will was excited until we got up close and personal with the goats, then he decided he'd rather watch.
That night Laura watched Will & Sadie for us and the adults plus Elise hit the town. We went to downtown KC and ate dinner at Gordon Biersch. We had a great time! Anthony and I keep talking about how fun it was to go out with another couple and how much we miss living close to all of our siblings.
Wednesday was kind of sad because it was time to pack up and say goodbye. I'm sure Carly & Daniel were ready to get home to their own bed and to not have to share a room with Elise anymore. We got some Oklahoma Joe's for lunch before they left since we didn't want them to leave KC without at least trying some authentic Kansas City BBQ. Anthony took the travelers to the airport and I put Will down for a nap. When Will woke up he kept looking around for "DeDe" and insisted on eating dinner in the chair she had sat in for meals while she was here. He did the same thing when he woke up on Thursday.