Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Backlogged: A Night at the Park

A few weeks ago we got bored with our neighborhood and decided to take our nightly walk "on location." We ended up at the sculpture garden outside the Nelson-Atkins MOA.

It was really, really hot. Will got tired of his stroller so we got him out so he could enjoy the occasional breeze.

But he still needed to get around, so his dad volunteered his shoulders.

Taking a break (and getting tired of my picture-taking).

Lately Will loves being "chased" and playing "I'm Gonna Get You." I held Will as Tony ran past us. TJ's face was awesome and I decided he needed to see what he looked like. Some great photos resulted. No wonder Will shrieks.

Will's other favorite game--being tossed in the air.
Proof I was there too.

It was fun night. We enjoyed doing something a little out of the ordinary and making ourselves more familiar with some of the beautiful things KC has to offer.


Carly said...

Every time I don't think it's possible, he does it. He just keeps getting cuter and cuter.

Shannon said...

So fun! I love the Nelson. I hadn't thought about taking Ally up there for a walk though. Must try.... Love your pictures :)

Gloria said...

Carrie, your little guy is absolutely adorable!! I love those pictures and I love how he looks like you! The pictures of Tony are pretty funny too! Glad to see you are out and about and having a good summer!