Sunday, August 22, 2010


Will is now 8 months old. Eight months doesn't seem like that long, but for some reason when you measure time by the length of your child's life it seems a lot longer.

He is growing into such a fun kid. When he smiles his whole face lights up and it's a good thing he can't talk yet because I'd probably give him whatever he wanted.

He has his four bottom teeth and is working on another on the top left. He is drooling constantly. I can't wait until it comes in because he is not himself when he's teething.

He is rolling and scooting all over the place and I'm sure will be crawling any day now. He tries to copy the things we do, like pound his hands on the computer. He "sings" along to the radio when we drive and at church if he's in a good mood. He loves to watch and interact with other babies and little kids. He still grunts when he eats. He hasn't met a food he doesn't like. He loves to chew on pizza crusts, pretzels, etc.

He throws some pretty effective tantrums, but that's just a phase, right?

We love our slimy, smiley, fuzzy-headed little mister.

(I promise he does wear clothes, sometimes).


Shannon said...

8 months, wow! He's such a cutie. I love his big blue eyes :)

Jill said...

He wears clothes in the pool, apparently (hence the farmer's tan). Well, at least we know he's not a never-nude.

Laura said...


Lauren said...

Wow he's really adorable! I love his bright eyes.