Monday, August 30, 2010

The kid knows how to get comfortable

Before I go to bed at night I check on Will to make sure everything is fine in his room. This past week I've found him laying like this when I come in.

Apparently once he settles down from the very loud crying that has unfortunately become routine at bedtime, he gets nice and comfortable. Anthony tells me there are some pics of Will's Uncle Matt as a child in a similar position, so it must be a John thing. Whatever it is, I think it is cute and it makes me smile as I head to bed.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ethnic Festival and Severe Weather Adventure

Anthony's work just hired some new people and we got to hang out with one of his new co-workers and his family this week. We decided to hit up the Ethnic Festival. Food from around the world and live entertainment, sounds like a relaxing and enjoyable night, right?

Think again. Kansas City has some pretty crazy weather sometimes and Friday was no exception. When we got to the festival the sky was cloudy, but not menacing. We enjoyed some food from the Philippines (everyone but me) and Mexico (I am not very adventurous) and then headed over to the pavilion to see some dancing. A few minutes into the show it started to rain. We were glad we were under shelter and decided to wait it out. Bad idea. The rain came down and the floods came up. Then it got windy. The men stood with their backs to the rain to protect us, but we still got soaked. I took off my outer layer (thank you Downeast) to protect Will's head from the cold.

We kept thinking that it would get better, but it didn't and eventually we realized we would have to cut our losses and venture out in the storm. We ran 30 yards to the "beer tent" where people were feelin' good and happy to see us. "Look, a baby! In the beer tent!"

Anthony volunteered to run to our car and drive back as close as he could. He was successful and we were able to head home. I ended up driving because I didn't want to strap Will in his car seat all wet. It was like driving with strobe lights every time lightning stuck (which was often) because the wind shield wipers were going as fast as possible. It was quite the adventure and not exactly how we wanted to welcome our new friends to Kansas City.


Will is now 8 months old. Eight months doesn't seem like that long, but for some reason when you measure time by the length of your child's life it seems a lot longer.

He is growing into such a fun kid. When he smiles his whole face lights up and it's a good thing he can't talk yet because I'd probably give him whatever he wanted.

He has his four bottom teeth and is working on another on the top left. He is drooling constantly. I can't wait until it comes in because he is not himself when he's teething.

He is rolling and scooting all over the place and I'm sure will be crawling any day now. He tries to copy the things we do, like pound his hands on the computer. He "sings" along to the radio when we drive and at church if he's in a good mood. He loves to watch and interact with other babies and little kids. He still grunts when he eats. He hasn't met a food he doesn't like. He loves to chew on pizza crusts, pretzels, etc.

He throws some pretty effective tantrums, but that's just a phase, right?

We love our slimy, smiley, fuzzy-headed little mister.

(I promise he does wear clothes, sometimes).

Monday, August 16, 2010

Fun in the Sun

It has been quite hot here in the Midwest recently. The only way I have been able to survive the heat is by logging some serious pool time. Luckily, Will likes the pool as much as I do.

He loves to "swim" with my help. He has gotten really comfortable in the water and I love it!

His new thing is sticking up his legs straight in the air when floating on his back.

His aunties like to call this move "The Will." They are so impressed they have copy him.

Hanging out on the side with his dad. Anthony only gets to make it to the pool with us occasionally.
Sisters at the pool. Sometimes I feel like my life is deja vu. I have spent many hours with these two chicas at this same pool for many summers during my youth.

One of the best things about this pool is "the bench." There is a bench about 15 inches deep (Anthony is sitting on it in one of these photos). Will can easily stand on it and hold onto the side. He loves to watch the water go in and out of the drain and will hold himself there for quite a while. (I am behind him, of course.) It is great for me because I can sit by him and by submerged in the water, unlike in the baby pools that are six inches deep.

I have definitely gotten good use out of my pool pass this year.

Anthony and I also went to the Schlitterbahn water park this past weekend. We didn't take any pictures because I was afraid of ruining our camera. Our time there only cemented in my mind that my dream house will one day have a lazy river. And that tattoos are a bad idea, but that is a whole other post.

Thanks to Doug and Tina for the passes and to Melanie, Laura and Mom for watching Will so we could go!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Copy Cat

Will inherited his Dad's big mouth.

As I mentioned in the last post, Will enjoys playing games. This is a game Anthony made up tonight and Will got into it.

As usual, please excuse the adult voices. I never sound cool when I try to record Will.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Backlogged: A Night at the Park

A few weeks ago we got bored with our neighborhood and decided to take our nightly walk "on location." We ended up at the sculpture garden outside the Nelson-Atkins MOA.

It was really, really hot. Will got tired of his stroller so we got him out so he could enjoy the occasional breeze.

But he still needed to get around, so his dad volunteered his shoulders.

Taking a break (and getting tired of my picture-taking).

Lately Will loves being "chased" and playing "I'm Gonna Get You." I held Will as Tony ran past us. TJ's face was awesome and I decided he needed to see what he looked like. Some great photos resulted. No wonder Will shrieks.

Will's other favorite game--being tossed in the air.
Proof I was there too.

It was fun night. We enjoyed doing something a little out of the ordinary and making ourselves more familiar with some of the beautiful things KC has to offer.