Friday, July 23, 2010

Will's favorite "toys..."

...aren't toys.


The Cunninghams said...

Amen. Those look like a few of Noah's. Why are babies so crazy?

Emily said...

Ha! I love the remote control pic!

Shannon said...

Those are great :) Save your money when Christmas/Birthdays come around. The friends/family can get him the real toys. You just supply the normal stuff around the house, and he will be thrilled!

Michelle C said...

He is SOOO cute!! It always stays the same. Nathan (at 2 1/2) would rather play with a box than anything else.

Shelly said...

He is adorable and growing up so fast. He looks just like you but then again I think you and Tony look a lot alike. :)

Carrie said...

Love the remote in the mouth - Josh is a big fan too. I think they instinctively know what their toys are (brightly colored, etc.) and try to play with everything else.