Sunday, July 11, 2010

favorite things

I have been ignoring our blog lately because each time I look at it I am reminded of how behind we are. And also because I am enjoying a lazy summer with no school, just trying my best to enjoy being Will's mom, which isn't too hard. This is the first time since I got pregnant with Will that I haven't been working, in school, and worrying about our future. It's nice. Anthony would probably say I still worry about the future, but somebody in this house has to do it and I do the most thorough job. :) Our summer has been going really well so far.

A few weeks ago my friend Susan threw a "Favorite Things Party." I had a great time. Each guest was told to bring three of their favorite items and a favorite food to share. Then we went around and showed off our favorite things. I think what I liked about this party most (besides that fact that I got to talk about some of my favorite things and spend time with friends) is that I feel like I got to know the other girls better in a way that I normally wouldn't. Someday I think I will copy this idea and throw a "favorite things" party of my own, but it will have to be awhile since most of my local friends were at this one.

As soon as I got the invitation I started thinking about my favorite things. Here are a few of my current favorites (and this is by no means an all encompassing list):

Pentel EnerGel Needle Tip 0.5 Pen

I love these pens! They are the perfect thickness, easy to hold and write smoothly. I have made lists just to use these pens.

I set a goal this year to read the Sunday School lesson each week. I haven't been perfect, but I've done pretty well. I've done a lot better since getting this book. I like the questions it asks, the helpful definitions and general authority quotes. Or maybe it's just the fact that it has pictures...

Smart Ones Orange Sesame Chicken
I have never been a huge fan of microwave dinners, but this meal has changed my life. I love it! I got hooked at the beginning of the year when every store was running sales on their weight loss products. Now I am constantly on the lookout for coupons and sales to justify buying them. I have been trying to come up with a recipe of orange chicken that tastes as good but is also as healthy. I haven't found it yet, so until I do, these guys will keep making their way into my cart.

Will's sleep schedule has been a roller-coaster (not a good one). For the most part, things have been pretty good for the past few months, but things really turned the corner after I read this book. Whenever we have a set back I pull it out again and it usually has some sort of answer. This book has also convinced me how important sleep is to a person's well-being. I have pridefully resisted naps in the past, but I have since embraced naps and it is wonderful.

Yoga Capris

I love these capris. They are so comfortable and versitle. I am probably too casual and occasionally wear them to the store, but I've seen worse worn publicy by others so I'm going to go ahead and excuse myself. I love that I can wear these to go on walks, clean the house, play with Will, read on the couch, the list is endless...When it comes down to it, I think maternity pants ruined me. I really do get bugged when I have to zip and button.

Anways, to me summer = comfortable and these babies are comfy.

Anthony & Will

I love this picture because they are having so much fun. I couldn't help but smile when I looked out the window and saw this scene. Anthony is a great dad and Will adores him.

And really, how could you not love this little guy?

Well, that's all for now. I'm sure as soon as publish this post I will think of some more favorite things, so I may have to do a follow up post some time in the future. I'm not really into tags and whatnot, but I would be interested to find out what some of you consider your favorite let me know.


Jilleen said...

I love your list. And now I'm wishing I could take a peek at the inside of that book... Eliza is screaming and I want to be sleeping!

Nikki said...

Nice list! Sounds like a cool party. A sleep book really worked for you? They just give me headaches! I'll have to try out that pen, too. I'll call you soon because you aren't so busy lately. That's good to know.

The Cunninghams said...

I love that picture of Will! I want to read that book just because so many people have mentioned it. Maybe I'll borrow it from you someday.:)

Susan said...

Too cute, Will! I'm kind of in a Jane Austen mood lately so Pride and Prejudice (book not movie) is at the top of my list today.

Anonymous said...

I love it! I too am sooo behind with my blog. I need to catch up as well. Love the pic. Will is growing up so fast :))

Carrie said...

You know that is my favorite sleep book too - all the way through toddlerhood! I like to see that you love a pen - you and my office supply salesman husband now have more to talk about :). As for the yoga capris, I recently wore a pair of them to a nice work dinner party, so don't feel bad about going to the store in them - they look just like black pants right?

Shannon said...

Love the list! I'm going to do one on my blog this week :) Also, I am going to check out that book. We are having the WORST time with getting Allyson to sleep - I'll try it!

Jill said...

I think you should get terrycloth matching set sweat suits or whatever they're called that Julie C-N-C-R-B-A wears to Cardio Bar.