Monday, October 5, 2009

Recent happenings

We've spent some time in Kansas City the past two weekends hanging out (me) and helping my dad paint the house (Anthony). To reward us (Anthony) for our (his) hard work my dad got us tickets to see the Red Sox play the Royals when they were in town last week. It was hard for me to sit still due to my expanding waistline putting pressure on my ribs. We walked around the stadium and found some photo-ops.
The Royals lost. Anthony sang "Sweet Caroline." It was a fun night. Here is a picture of Anthony painting. He pays such attention to detail. Laura and I did lots of baking while the men painted. We made 5 dozen chocolate chip cookies, a pumpkin spice cake with cream cheese frosting, and pumpkin snickerdoodles. I should have taken pictures of the treats while they lasted, it's too late now. And that is most likely the reason I gained as much weight in the last two weeks as I did the month before.

Here is me at 28.5 weeks:


Carly said...

Those desserts sound delicious. I want some now.

You look great Carrie! I feel your pain with the rib thing. When I was almost done pushing with Sadie I said- "Oh my ribs don't hurt!" TMI, I know, TMI.

Jill said...

I don't know how I feel about you being able to go behind the fountains in the outfield now.

Tina said...

You look great, Carrie. I'm impressed that you are still getting around so much -- my last months I just wanted to sit and veg out.

David's Holla Atchya! Blog said...

Wait, your pregnant? Since when? Does this have anything to do with those black and white pictures of a squirrel you posted a few months ago? JK!!!! Please don't take offense, I'm just being pseudo-funny. You look great Carrie, you really do.

Melissa said...

Carrie, you look awesome! I love your little belly. How fun for you and Tony to go to the ball park.